GPS 158 Owner’s Manual 5Compass ViewThe compass view is used to aid navigation� You can change the informationdisplayed in the top three fields� The compass also displays the difference betweenyour current heading ➊ and the heading necessary ➋ to follow the route or track�➊ ➋Numbers ViewYou can change the information displayed in all fields�Highway ViewThe highway view displays three data fields, plus a 3D view of your current heading,including any nearby waypoints, routes, or tracks� You can change the informationdisplayed in the top three fields and the points displayed in the highway field�route ViewThe route view displays a list of waypoints for the route you are navigating and a 3Dview of your current heading, including any nearby waypoints, routes, or tracks�NavigationYou can navigate to a waypoint or follow a route or track�Navigating to a Waypoint1 Select NAV > Go To Point > Waypoints�2 Select an option:• To view a list of all waypoints, select By Name�• To view a list of nearby waypoints, select Nearest�3 Select a waypoint�4 Select Go To�Follow the on-screen directions to your destination, steering to avoid obstaclesand hazards�Creating a routeYou can save up to 50 routes�1 Select MeNU twice�2 Select route�3 Select an unused route line�The full screen map appears�4 Move the map pointer to the location of the first point of the route�NOTe: If the selected point is not a waypoint, it is saved as a waypoint�5 Select eNTer�6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to select the remaining points on the route�7 Select MeNU to save the route�