If the waypoint identifier entered does not exist in the database, you will beprompted to select the method to enter the new waypoint’s position into the data-base. If the waypoint exists (you’re just reviewing or editing a user waypoint), skipstep 4 and move on to the next set of instructions.4. Select the desired waypoint entry method using O and press E.You will automatically be placed on the latitude and longitude field (if youselected ‘enter posn?’), or the ‘from’ field (if you select ‘ref wpt?’), or the ‘bearing’ field(if you select ‘rng/brg from posn?’).To enter/edit the position of the user waypoint:1. Use K and O to enter the latitude. You may select either north or south and enter alatitude up to (but not including) 90°.2. Press E.3. Use K and O to enter the longitude. You may select either east or west and enter alongitude up to (but not including) 180°.4. Press E.Once the latitude and longitude have been entered, the flashing cursor will moveto the reference waypoint field, where you may enter a reference waypoint to calcu-late a bearing and distance to the new waypoint position. If you are not entering areference waypoint:5. Press E to advance the flashing cursor to the ‘ok?’ prompt and press E to save thenew waypoint in internal memory.36WAYPOINTS & DATABASECreating User WaypointsSelect a waypoint entry method.User waypoints may be created by referencinganother waypoint in the database. The GPS 155will automatically calculate the new waypoint’scoordinates after a bearing and distance havebeen entered.