3.7 PROCEDURESThe Procedures Page is displayed by pressing the PROC Key. The Procedures Pageprovides direct access to approaches based upon the active flight plan or direct-todestination. In either case, the departure and destination airports must have publishedprocedures associated with them.To select an approach, departure, or arrival:1. Press the PROC Key to display the Procedures Page.2. Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Select Approach?’ and press the ENTKey.3. A window appears listing the available procedures. Turn the large right knob tohighlight the desired procedure and press the ENT Key.4. A second window appears listing the available transitions. Turn the large rightknob to highlight the desired transition waypoint and press the ENT Key. (Theapproach ‘Vectors’ option assumes the pilot will receive vectors to the finalcourse segment of the approach and will provide navigation guidance relative tothe final approach course.)5. Turn the large right knob to highlight ‘Load?’ or ‘Activate?’ and press the ENTKey. (‘Load?’ adds the procedure to the flight plan without immediately using itfor navigation guidance. This allows the pilot to continue navigating the originalflight plan, but keeps the procedure available on the Active Flight Plan Page forquick activation when needed.)