Page 4-24 GIA 63/GIA 63W Installation ManualRevision H 190-00303- King Serial DME InterfacePin Name Connector Pin I/OKING SERIAL DME CLOCK P602 18 OutKING SERIAL DME DATA P602 19 OutKING SERIAL RNAV REQUEST P602 20 InKING SERIAL RNAV MODE P602 21 InMAIN KING SERIAL DME DATA P606 59 I/OMAIN KING SERIAL DME CLOCK P606 60 I/OMAIN KING SERIAL DME HOLD OUT P606 61 OutMAIN KING SERIAL DME REQUEST P606 62 I/OMAIN KING SERIAL DME ON OUT P606 63 OutMAIN KING SERIAL RNAV REQUEST P606 64 InThese pins are used when the GIA 63(W) is configured for King Serial DME tuning.Input logic levels are:High 6.5 Vdc or greaterLow 3.5 Vdc or less4.9.2.3 Automatic Direction Finder InputsPin Name Connector Pin I/OADF X/COS P606 10 InADF Y/SIN P606 11 InADF Z (GROUND) P606 12 --ADF DC REF IN P606 32 InADF (Automatic Direction Finder) inputs which is configurable as either XYZ (AC) or SIN/COS (DC).AC DCFrequency: 400 Hz ±10% --Amplitude: 0 to 11.8 Vrms max -8 V to +8 VInput Impedance: > 80 kΩ > 80 kΩRange: 0 to 360 degrees 0 to 360 degreesResolution: ±0.1 degree or better ±0.1 degree or betterAccuracy: ±3.0 degrees ±3.0 degreesDC Reference Input: -- 0 to 5 Vdc maximum (>40 kΩ)4.10 Auto Pilot4.10.1 Radar AltimeterPin Name Connector Pin I/ORADAR ALTIMETER DC HI P605 1 InRADAR ALTIMETER DC LO P605 2 InProvides altitude information during approach.