Page 4-24 GIA 63 Installation ManualRevision T 190-00303-054.9 DME Tuning and ADF4.9.1 DME Tuning FunctionThe GIA 63(X) can channel a DME based on the tuned VLOC frequency. The GIA 63(X) outputs 2 of 5,BCD or Slip parallel DME and King Serial DME channeling format. When DME COMMON is heldlow, the GIA 63(X) actively tunes the DME.4.9.2 DME Interface and ADF Electrical Characteristics4.9.2.1 Parallel DME TuningPin Name Connector Pin I/OPARALLEL DME 1 MHZ-D P602 33 OutPARALLEL DME 100 KHZ-A P602 37 OutPARALLEL DME 100 KHZ-B P602 39 OutPARALLEL DME 100 KHZ-C P602 40 OutPARALLEL DME 100 KHZ-D P602 42 OutPARALLEL DME 50 KHZ P602 43 OutPARALLEL DME 1 MHZ-A P602 45 OutPARALLEL DME 1 MHZ-B P602 46 OutPARALLEL DME 1 MHZ-C P602 47 OutPARALLEL DME 100KHZ-E P602 54 OutPARALLEL DME 1MHZ-E P602 56 OutNAV DME COMMON P602 41 InFor each of the parallel DME tuning discrete outputs:INACTIVE: Floating (can be pulled up to externally sourced Vout in the range 0 ≤ Vout ≤ 33VDC)Leakage current in the INACTIVE state is typically ≤ 10 uA to groundACTIVE: Vout ≤ 0.5VDC with ≤ 20 mA sink currentSink current must be externally limited to 20 mA maxNAV DME COMMON must be pulled low to indicate to the NAV module that it is the device channelingthe DME.INACTIVE: 10 ≤ Vin ≤ 33VDC or Rin ≥ 100kΩACTIVE: Vin ≤ 1.9VDC with ≥ 75 uA sink current, or Rin ≤ 375ΩSink current is internally limited to 200 uA max for a grounded inputDRAFT Rev T 11/12/2010