2Important Safety and Product InformationWarningsFailure to avoid the following potentiallyhazardous situations could result in death orserious injury.Always consult your physician before beginningor modifying any exercise program. If you have apacemaker or other implanted electronic device,consult your physician before using a heart ratemonitor.The unit, heart rate monitor, and other Garminaccessories are consumer devices, not medicaldevices, and could suffer from interference fromexternal electrical sources. The heart rate readingsare for reference only and no responsibility isaccepted for the consequences of any erroneousreadings.If your unit contains or accepts street mapproducts, follow these guidelines as well to ensuresafe navigating:Note: Refer to your product’s owner’s manual todetermine if your product contains or accepts streetmap products.When navigating, carefully compare informationdisplayed on the unit to all available navigation•••sources, including information from street signs,visual sightings, and maps. For safety, alwaysresolve any discrepancies or questions beforecontinuing navigation and defer to posted roadsigns.Do not become distracted by the unit whiledriving or navigating, and always be fullyaware of all navigation conditions. Minimizethe amount of time spent viewing the unit’s screenwhile driving or navigating and use audibleprompts when possible. Do not input destinations,change settings, or access any functions requiringprolonged use of the unit’s controls while drivingor navigating. Stop in a safe and legal mannerbefore attempting such operations.The unit is designed to provide route suggestions.It is not designed to replace the need for navigatorattentiveness regarding road closures or roadconditions, traffic congestion, weather conditions,or other factors that may affect safety whiledriving or navigating.••WarNINg: This product, its packaging, and its components contain chemicals known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. This notice is provided in accordance withCalifornia’s Proposition 65. See www.garmin.com/prop65 for more information.