CNX80 User NewsletterFirst Edition for CNX80 V1.0 software9/10/03In this edition:1. Flight Planning and Multiple Approaches During Training2. SUSPend Mode3. What is a Discontinuity?4. Intercepting an Airway5. Roll Steering Vs. Deviation only autopilots6. V2.0 Upgrades and LPV approachesCNX80 Flight PlanningSome basic issues have come up in flight planning that are addressed in the ComputerBased Training (CBT) materials you have on your owner’s CD. However, they bearrepeating here in order to emphasize the concept of operation.Changing a DestinationThe CNX80 needs to know what the Origin Airport is in order to select the departureSID. It also needs to know the Destination airport in order to select the appropriateSTAR or Instrument Approach at the Destination airport.If you are training and bouncing from airport to airport shooting approaches, then youmust change the Destination airport in the CNX80. This may be accomplished in anumber of ways:Method A1. Select the flight plan page and edit mode.2. Highlight the destination airport (if you have an approach selected you willnot see the destination airport, first highlight the approach and delete it usingthe CLR key.)3. Select Modify4. Choose the new Destination airport and press Enter.Garmin AT Inc2345 Turner Road SESalem, Oregon 97302