nüvi 610/660 Owner’s Manual 59APPENDIXDeclaration of ConformityHereby, Garmin declares that this nüvi610/660 product is in compliance with theessential requirements and other relevantprovisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. To viewthe full Declaration of Conformity, see theGarmin Web site for your Garmin product:www.garmin.com/products/nuvi610/ orwww.garmin.com/products/nuvi660/. ClickManuals, and then select the Declaration ofConformity.Software LicenseAgreementBY USING THE nüvi 610/660, YOUAGREE TO BE BOUND BY THETERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THEFOLLOWING SOFTWARE LICENSEAGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THISAGREEMENT CAREFULLY.Garmin grants you a limited license to usethe software embedded in this device (the“Software”) in binary executable form inthe normal operation of the product. Title,ownership rights, and intellectual propertyrights in and to the Software remain inGarmin.You acknowledge that the Software is theproperty of Garmin and is protected underthe United States of America copyrightlaws and international copyright treaties.You further acknowledge that the structure,organization, and code of the Software arevaluable trade secrets of Garmin and thatthe Software in source code form remains avaluable trade secret of Garmin. You agreenot to decompile, disassemble, modify,reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or reduceto human readable form the Software orany part thereof or create any derivativeworks based on the Software. You agree notto export or re-export the Software to anycountry in violation of the export controllaws of the United States of America.