16190-00357-01 Rev HSelecting ApproachesIn order to select an approach, you must first have an activedirect-to or flight plan that terminates at an airport with a pub-lished approach.1. Press the PROC key to display the ProceduresPage.2. Turn the large rightknob to highlight “SelectApproach?” and pressENT.3. A window will appearlisting the available pro-cedures. Turn the largeright knob to highlightthe desired procedure andpress ENT.4. A second window willappear listing the avail-able transitions. Turnthe large right knobto highlight the desiredtransition waypoint andpress ENT. (The approach“Vectors” option assumes you will receive vectorsto the final course segment of the approach andwill provide navigation guidance relative to the finalapproach course).5. Turn the large right knob to highlight “Load?” or“Activate?” and press ENT. (“Load?” will add theprocedure to the flight plan without immediatelyusing it for navigation guidance. This allows youto continue navigating the original flight plan, butkeeps the procedure available on the Active FlightPlan Page for quick activation when needed. “Acti-vate?” overrides the “en route” portion of the activeflight plan, proceeding directly to the “approach”portion).6. For non-GPS approvedapproaches, a reminderwindow will appear indi-cating that GPS guidanceon such approaches isstrictly for monitoringonly—use the VLOCreceiver and external CDI (or HSI) for primary navi-gation. To confirm this reminder, highlight “Yes?”and press ENT.Not all approaches in the database are approved for GPS use.As you select an approach, a “GPS” designation to the right ofthe procedure name indicates the procedure can be flown usingthe GPS receiver. Some procedures will not have this designation,meaning the GPS receiver may be used for supplemental navigationguidance only. If the GPS receiver cannot be used for primary guid-ance, you must use the appropriate receiver for the selected approach(e.g., VOR or ADF). The final course segment of ILS approaches,for example, must be flown by tuning the VLOC receiver tothe proper frequency and coupling the VLOC receiver to theexternal CDI (or HSI).A selected approach may be activated or loaded. Loadingthe approach adds the procedure to the flight plan withoutimmediately using it for navigation guidance. You can continuenavigating the original flight plan, but the procedure is availablefor quick activation when needed. Activating the approach over-rides the “en route” portion of the active flight plan, proceedingdirectly to the “approach” portion. Activating the approachalso initiates automatic CDI scaling transition as the approachprogresses.In many cases, it may be easiest to “Load” the full approachwhile still some distance away, en route to the destination air-port. Later, if vectored to final, use the steps to select “Activatingan Approach with Vectors-To-Final”—which makes the inboundcourse to the FAF waypoint active. Otherwise, activate the fullAPPROACHES