Part #4519655 Rev.2 (Jan 27/15)Page 10FLAME SIZE CHART – ALL MODELSThe correct air and/or gas adjustment has been made when a stable blue inner cone is obtained.(Refer to chart for flame size.)MODELORSERIESDESCRIPTION PILOT FLAME LENGTHBURNER FLAME LENGTH - NORMALPRESSURE - VALVE OR THERMOSTATFULL OPENG24 Series Griddle 3/4” (19 mm) 5/8” (16 mm)G20-SP & G20-SPH Stock Pot Range 7/16” (11 mm) 3/8” (10 mm)CLEANING AND MAINTENANCENOTE: Any maintenance or service involving disassembly ofcomponents should be made by a qualified service technician.Also, ensure gas supply to the appliance is shut off.You have purchased the finest commercial cookingequipment available anywhere. Like any other fine precisionbuilt piece of equipment, it should be given regular care andmaintenance.Periodical inspections by your dealer or qualified serviceagency are recommended to check temperatures,adjustments and ensure moving parts are operative.Whenever possible, avoid overheating idle equipment as thisis the primary cause for increased service costs.When corresponding with the factory or your equipmentdealer regarding service problems or replacement parts,be sure to refer to the particular unit by the correct modelnumber (including prefix and suffix letters and numbers) andthe serial or code number. The rating plate affixed to the unitcontains this information.“Regular Maintenance Ensures Peak Performance.”ExteriorBlack baked enamel (offered only on older models) – Allowthe equipment to cool after use and was all grease depositsfrom the exterior with a hot mild detergent or soap solution.Dry thoroughly. DO NOT USE ABRASIVES.Brushed chrome or brushed nickel – Wash when cool with ahot mild detergent or soap solution. DO NOT USE ABRASIVES.Stainless steel – Normal soil may be removed with adetergent or soap solution applied with a cloth.To remove grease that has baked on, apply cleanser to adamp cloth or sponge. Rub the cleanser on the metal in thedirection of the polished lines of the metal. NEVER RUB INA CIRUCLAR MOTION. Soil and burnt deposits that do notrespond can usually be removed by rubbing the surface withScotch-Brite scouring pads or stainless scouring pads. DONOT USE ORDINARY STEEL WOOL.Heat tint can be removed by a vigorous scouring in thedirection of the polish lines using Scotch-Brite scouring padsor stainless scouring pad in combination with powderedcleanser.