14OPERATIONG INSTRUCTIONSLighting Instructions11. Turn the LP gas cylinder valve OFF. Push the controlknob on the pole in, turn OFF, and wait 5 minutes for anygas to clear.2. Turn the tank valve ON. Push control knob in and rotate toPUSH. Then push the igniter button and control knob untilthe burner is ignited. If the burner fails to remain lit orbecomes extinguished, repeat step 2 after 5 minutescomplete shutoff period before relighting.3. Once the burner has lit, continue to hold the control knobin for 30 seconds, and then release.4. Turn the control knob from LOW to HIGH until the desiredheat setting is achieved.5. Visually check the burner flame against theillustrations below:1) Flame should be blue with slight yellow tips.2) You should see a smaller flame in LOW positionthan seen on HIGH. Perform flame check prior toeach use. If only low flame is seen, refer to “Burnerflame is low” in the “TROUBLESHOOTING” onpage 17.For complete shutdown1. Please turn the knob to “Push” position first, then pushand turn to “Off” position for complete shut off.2. Turn the LP gas tank valve OFF before remove the LPgas tank.