WRO 300 HHCEN12104 Rev 09.2010 Introduction 111 Introduction1.1 Intended useThe Gambro WRO 300 H Water Purification Unit is intended tobe used as a dialysis accessory to produce water through reverseosmosis for one hemodialysis equipment.The WRO 300 H can be connected to hemodialysis equipmentused both in hospitals and in home environments, in conjunctionwith appropriate pre and post treatment units, as a part of a watertreatment system designed to meet applicable regulations orstandards for water for dialysis, e.g. current AAMI and Federal(U.S.) standards.CAUTIONThe water produced by WRO 300 H should be analysed at installa-tion and on a regular basis to verify that it conforms to applicable reg-ulations or standards for water for dialysis.