21∆ TW C PF/PT CPa CQw C∆pw13 0,975 1 1,63 2,644 0,99 1 1,24 1,535 1 1 1 16 1,015 1 0,85 0,727 1,03 1 0,74 0,548 1,04 1 0,65 0,42All copying, even partial, of this manual is strictly forbidden�RG66007970 - Rev 018.2 OPeRaTInG lIMITS In heaTInG MODe8.3 TheRMal CaRRIeR FlUIDThe units belonging to the MPI DC series can work with mixtures of water and up to 30% ethylene glycol�8 OPeRaTInG lIMITS9 CalCUlaTIOn FaCTORS9.1 Change in operating parameters with ∆t other than 5°CAfter identifying the unit's performance in the terms of the desired outlet water temperature, correct the value by multiplying it by the following correctivecoefficients�∆tW Difference between water inlet temperature and water outlet temperatureCPF/PT Corrective coefficient of cooling/heating capacityCPa Correction coefficient of electrical inputCQw Correction coefficient of water flow rateC∆pw1 Correction coefficient of pressure drop9.2 WaTeR anD GlyCOl MIXTUReBased on the minimum outlet water temperature, you can derive the percentage of ethylene glycol and the corrective coefficient using the table below�PeRCenTaGe OF eThylene GlyCOl 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%Minimum temp� of water produced 5°C 2°C -5°C -10°C -15°CMixture freezing temp. (°C) 0°C -4°C -14°C -18°C -24°CCapacity correction factor 1,000 0,998 0,994 0,989 0,983Water flow rate correction factor 1,000 1,047 1,094 1,140 1,199Pressure drop correction factor 1,000 1,157 1,352 1,585 1,860Warning The use of propylene glycol is not admitted with standard pumps� For further information, contact the manufacturer�air temperature (°C)Outlet water temperature (°C)