ENG - 29ENGCleaningBe sure to disconnect the oven from the power supply.Clean the inside of the oven after using with a slightly damp cloth.The door frame and seal and neighbouring parts must be cleaned carefully with a dampcloth when they are dirty.It is occasionally necessary to remove the glass tray for cleaning.Wash the tray in warmsudsy water or in a dishwasher.The turntable shaft and oven cavity floor should be cleaned regularly to avoid excessivenoise. Simply wipe the bottom surface of the oven with mild detergent, water or window cle-aner and dry.The turntable shaft may be washed in mild sudsy water or dish washer. Whenremoving the turntable shaft from cavity floor for cleaning, be sure to replace it in the properposition.Trouble shootingNormalMicrowave oven interfering TV reception.Radio and TV reception may be interferedwhen microwave oven operating. It is similarto the interference of small electrical applian-ces, like mixer, vaccum cleaner and electricfan. It is normal.Dim oven light. In low power microwave cooking, oven lightmay become dim. It is normal.Steam accumulating on door, hot air out ofvents.In cooking, steam may come out of food.Most will get out from vents. But some mayaccumulate on cool place like oven door. It isnormal.Oven stated accidentally with no food in.It does no damage to oven if oven operatesempty for quite short time. But it should beavoided.Trouble Possible cause RemedyOven can not be started.(1) Power cord not plugged intightly.Unplug. Then plug again after10 seconds.(2) Fuse blowing or circuitbreaker works.Replace fuse or with otherelectrical appliances.(3) Trouble with outlet. Test outlet with other electricalappliances.Oven does not heat. (4) Door not closed well. Close door well.Glass turntable makes noisewhen microwave oven opera-tes.(5) Dirty roller rest and ovenbottom.Refer to „Cleaning“ to cleandirty parts.1)2)3)4)