15SettingsThe TVisto Settings menu is extremely important in order to correctly configure your deviceand benefit from its advanced features. In the following paragraphs, there are detaileddescriptions of the various settings and parameters.LanguagesTVisto provides the unique feature to support a multilingual audience. With sophisticatedUnicode character handling, it supports most of the major languages used in the menuselection and the subtitle feature of movies. Refer to the “Font Support” paragraph forfurther details on how to enable languages other than English.Use the ▲▼ navigation buttons to select your language and press the PLAY/ENTER buttonto activate it. Press the HOME button of the remote to save the language setting. Onceactivated, all the menu selections and wording will switch to the selected language.Audio SettingsThese settings configure the provided Audio Output Format:• Analog for the Dual Stereo analog audio,• Digital for the Coaxial SPDIF digital audio (supports compressed Dolby Digital 5.1 andDTS pass through).Use the ▲▼ navigation buttons to select your audio setting and press the PLAY/ENTERbutton to activate it. Press the HOME button on the remote to save the audio setting.Selecting analog audio out will output the stereo audio to the L/R RCA jack from your AVcable.Selecting digital audio output will provide digital sound through its SPDIF Digital Audio Port.In this case, you have to connect this port using the SPDIF copper coaxial or optical cable tothe digital input of your Dolby Digital or DTS Home Theatre Receiver/Processor in order totake advantage of the high audio quality.Background Image CustomizationThe background images seen on your TV can be customized! To do this, connect yourTVisto to the computer and create a new folder inside the Firmware folder called “img”.Prepare your new background images and save them inside the “img” folder.The files have to be saved as JPG, the dimension should be 720x480 with a DPI of 72. Namethem exactly as followed: Main.jpg, Movies.jpg, Music.jpg, Photos.jpg and Settings.jpg. If oneof these images is missing or not spelled exactly as seen above, none of the customizedimages will appear on your TV screen! If you don’t like the new look, either change theimages or simply delete the folder, empty the trash bin and your original background imageswill show up again.