13Menu FunctionsThis paragraph presents the various menus and their functions when operating TVisto.Main MenuThis is the menu (as shown in theadjacent figure) that appears whenyou turn on TVisto.You have four (4) main selections thatyou can access with the navigationbuttons and by pressingPLAY/ENTER:• Movies• Music• Pictures• SettingsPlease look at the following paragraphs for a more detailed description of these menus.MoviesSelecting the Movies menu will bringyou to the adjacent image on your TVscreen. On the right side, you will seethe directory list of the Moviesorganized in your device’s hard disk.Each directory is named underleft/right brackets: “[“, “]”.For example,in the directory “[DivX]” we storevarious DivX movie files. You canmake any directory you want withyour desired name and store anymovie you want in it (use yourcomputer to create and changedirectories!). Please note that everydirectory can contain one or moresubdirectories and that the directoryorganization is free to the user.By using the navigation buttons and the PLAY/ENTER on your remote, you can select themovie you want to play.Please note that on the left side of the screen are the four main menus also available for yourselection.