Thisvacuumcleaneris designedwithanAutomaticHeightAdjustmentwhichadjuststhefloor nozzletothe properheightof any carpetpile.Theheightoffloor nozzleis instantlyandautomaticallyadjustedwhenyou movefrom onecarpetedareato another.Release the handle by tilting the handle backand pushing on either front nozzle corner withyour foot.The vacuumcleaner has threepositions:- Uprightfor storageandwhenusingcleaningtools.- Angledfor carpetandfloorcleaning.- Lowfor reachingunderfurniture.The On/Off switch is located on the vacuumcleaner body just below and to the side of thehandle. Push the switch to ON to start thecleaner and to OFF to stop it.CordHandleSwitchCrevice Tool _'_'• iExtension_'_ iiWandDusting __ iBrushHoseHose ConnectorTO USE ATTACHMENTSRemove the lower end of the hose from thecleaner by grasping the hose connector,twisting and pulling straight out.NOTE: The motor protector may open causingpoor pick up, when using attachments or whencleaning new carpet, due to reduced airflowcaused by the attachments themselves, or bynew carpet fuzz filling the bag quickly. SeeCLOG REMOVAL.WARNINGElectric shock and Personal InjuryHazardDisconnectelectricalsupplybeforeservicingor cleaningthe unit. Failureto do socouldresultin electricshockor personalinjuryfromcleanersuddenlystarting,-7-