ENGLISH• 39 •manufacturer.• In the programming mode, press ∧∧∧∧∧” or “∨∨∨∨∨”to select the function:FACTOR. SETTINGSand then enable it by pressing “ENT”. At thispoint the machine will display:FACTOR. SETTINGSNO• Choose whether to restore the factory settingsby pressing “∧∧∧∧∧” or “∨∨∨∨∨” and then press “ENT”to confirm your choice.Important: when the factory-setdefault parameters are restored, allcustom settings made in the machine willbe lost.13 LEGAL INFORMATION• This instruction book contains the informationyou need in order to use and care for yourappliance correctly.• The information should be viewed as aguideline for using and maintaining yourcoffee machine in safety. The information isnot exhaustive. For additional information orfor information on topics not covered orinadequately covered in this instruction book,please contact an authorized service centreor the manufacturer directly.• In addition, it should be noted that theseinstructions do not form part of a previous orexisting agreement, legal contract or similarand that the information is not changed byany other document.• All the manufacturer’s obligations andliabilities are based on the contract of sale,which also specifies all the warranty terms andconditions.• The warranty terms and conditions are neitherlimited nor extended on the basis of thisinstruction book.• This instruction book contains informationprotected by copyright.• This instruction book may not be photocopiedor translated into other languages withoutthe explicit written consent of themanufacturer.14 SCRAPPING• Appliances no longer in use should berendered unusable.• Detach the plug from the wall outlet and cutthe electric cord.• Deliver scrapped appliances to a suitablewaste disposal facility.15 DISPLAY INDICATIONSThe display guides users and helps them to use themachine properly.Below is a description of alarm messages thatdisable the brew unit and an explanation of whatthe user must do in order to use the machineproperly.ENERGYSAVING• Press the button (27).DESCALINGREADY FOR USE• Descale the machine (see Chap.11)FILL WATERTANK• Fill the water tank (9) with fresh drinking water.COF. BEANS EMPTYREADY FOR USE• Fill the coffee bean container with coffee beansand restart the coffee brewing cycle.DREGDRAWER FULL• Remove the dregs drawer (10) and empty theused coffee grounds into a suitable container.Important note: the dregs drawermay be emptied only when themachine is on. The drawer must be taken