1309716-01.2013-DGbFEITrCnDGBFEITRCN4| Compressor assembly4.7 PipesPipes and system components must be clean and dry inside and free of scale, swarf and layers ofrust and phosphate. Only use air-tight parts.Lay pipes correctly. Suitable vibration compensators must be provided to prevent pipes being crackedand broken by severe vibrations.Ensure a proper oil return.Keep pressure losses to an absolute minimum.ATTENTION! Overheating can damage the valve.Therefore, remove the pipe supports from the valve beforesoldering.Solder only using inert gas to inhibit oxidation products (scale).The pipe connections have stepped internal diameters so that pipeswith standard millimetre and inch dimensions can be used.The connection diameters of the shut-off valves are designed formaximum compressor output. The required pipe cross-sectionmust be matched to the capacity. The same applies for non-returnvalves.Fig. 14: Steppedinternal diameters4.6 Pipe connectionsValve spindle seal4.8 Operating the shut-off valvesBefore opening or closing the shut-off valve, release the valve spindle seal by approx. ¼ of a turncounter-clockwise.After activating the shut-off valve, re-tighten the adjustable valve spindle seal clockwise.Fig. 15 Fig. 16ReleaseTightenThe required tightening torque for the flange connection is 60 Nm.