16 49-85233Using the Lower Oven DrawerUSING THE OVEN: 8VLQJWKH/RZHU2YHQ'UDZHU$OXPLQXP)RLODQG2YHQ/LQHUVThe lower oven drawer may be used to bake foodsusing the same times and temperatures as a standardoven. Foods ideal for baking in the lower oven drawerinclude pizza, frozen foods, casseroles, biscuits, rollsand many desserts.To Use the Lower Oven Drawer1. Push in and turn the lower oven drawer knob to anydesired setting.2. Allow the lower oven drawer to preheat.Ŷ 7KH21VLJQDOOLJKWLVORFDWHGRQWKHXSSHUULJKWside of the knob and glows when the knob is in the21SRVLWLRQ,WUHPDLQV21XQWLOWKHNQRELVPRYHGto the OFF position.Ŷ 7KH³+HDWLQJ´VLJQDOOLJKWLVORFDWHGEHORZWKH21signal light and glows when the heating elementsare active. Preheat is complete after the “Heating”signal has turned off for the first time each use.NOTES:Ŷ $OZD\VXVHWKHLQFOXGHGGUDZHUUDFNZKHQXVLQJWKHlower oven drawer.Ŷ 7KHORZHURYHQGUDZHUFDQQRWEHXVHGGXULQJDself-clean cycle of the upper oven.Ŷ 'RQRWSXWIRRGIRLORUFRRNZDUHGLUHFWO\RQWKHbottom of the lower oven drawer. Always use theincluded drawer rack.Ŷ ,IIRRGVUHTXLUHDFRYHUXVHRQO\IRLORUOLGVDEOHWRwithstand baking temperatures. Do not use plastic.Ŷ 0D[LPXPKHLJKWRIIRRGVWKDWFDQEHSODFHGLQWKHlower oven drawer is 4”.Ŷ 'RQRWSXWOLTXLGRUZDWHULQWKHORZHURYHQGUDZHUŶ 1HYHUSODFHSODVWLFVSDSHUFDQQHGIRRGVRUcombustible material in the lower oven drawer.Push in and turn the lower ovendrawer knob to any desired setting.The lower oven drawer uses less energy than the upper oven.Allow the following approximate times for preheating:Desired Lower PreheatOven Temperature TimeWARM 10 minutes350°F 20 minutes425°F 30 minutesCAUTION Do not use any type of foil or oven liner to cover the oven bottom. These items can blockairflow or melt, resulting in damage to the product and risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke or fire.Damage from improper use of these items is not covered by the product warranty.Foil may be used to catch spills by placing a sheet on a lower rack, several inches below the food. Do not use moreIRLOWKDQQHFHVVDU\DQGQHYHUHQWLUHO\FRYHUDQRYHQUDFNZLWKDOXPLQXPIRLO.HHSIRLODWOHDVW´IURPRYHQZDOOVto prevent poor heat circulation.Aluminum Foil and Oven Liners