2-4 B30 BUS DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSECURITY CHAPTER 2: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION22.2 SecurityThe following security features are available:• Password security — Basic security present by default• EnerVista security — Role-based access to various EnerVista software screens and configuration elements. Thefeature is present by default in the EnerVista software.• CyberSentry security — Advanced security available using a software option. When purchased, the option isautomatically enabled, and the default Password security and EnerVista security are disabled. EnerVista securityThe EnerVista security management system is a role-based access control (RBAC) system that allows an administrator tomanage the privileges of multiple users. This allows for access control of UR devices by multiple personnel within asubstation and conforms to the principles of RBAC as defined in ANSI INCITS 359-2004. The EnerVista securitymanagement system is disabled by default to allow the administrator direct access to the EnerVista software afterinstallation. It is recommended that security be enabled before placing the device in service.Basic password or enhanced CyberSentry security applies, depending on purchase. Password securityPassword security is a basic security feature present by default.Two levels of password security are provided: command and setting. Use of a password for each level controls whetherusers can enter commands and/or change settings.The B30 supports password entry from a local or remote connection. Local access is defined as any access to settings orcommands via the faceplate interface. This includes both keypad entry and the through the faceplate RS232 port. Remoteaccess is defined as any access to settings or commands via any rear communications port. This includes both Ethernetand RS485 connections. Any changes to the local or remote passwords enables this functionality.When entering a settings or command password via EnerVista or any serial interface, the user must enter thecorresponding connection password. If the connection is to the back of the B30, the remote password must be used. If theconnection is to the RS232 port of the faceplate, the local password applies.Password access events are logged in the Event Recorder. CyberSentry securityCyberSentry embedded security is available using a software option (Level 1) that provide advanced security services.When the option is purchased, the basic password security is disabled automatically.Breaker restrike FlexElements™ (8) Teleprotection inputs and outputsContact inputs (up to 96) FlexLogic equations Time synchronization over IRIG-B or IEEE1588Contact outputs (up to 64) IEC 60870-5-103 communications Transducer inputs and outputsControl pushbuttons IEC 61850 communications User-definable displaysCyberSentry™ security IEC 62351-9 data and communicationssecurityUser-programmable fault reportsData logger Metering: current, voltage, frequency User-programmable LEDsDemand Modbus communications User-programmable pushbuttonsDigital counters (8) Modbus user map User-programmable self-testsDigital elements (48) Non-volatile latches Virtual inputs (64)Direct inputs and outputs (32) Non-volatile selector switch Virtual outputs (96)Disconnect switches OscillographyFunction Function Function