Care and CleaningStainless Steel Range21Controlpanel andknobsClean up spatters with a damp cloth. Removeheavier soil with warm, soapy water.Do not use abrasives of any kind on the controlpanel.The control knobs may be removed for easiercleaning. To remove a knob, pull it straight offthe stem. Wash the knobs in soap and water butdo not soak.OvenheatingelementsDo not clean the bake elements or the broilelements. Any soil will burn off when theelements are heated.The bake elements can be lifted gently to cleanthe oven floor. If spillovers, residue or ashaccumulate around the bake elements gentlywipe around the element with warm water.OvenshelvesClean the shelves with an abrasive cleanser orsteel wool. After cleaning, rinse the shelveswith clean water and dry with a clean cloth.Drip tray Located beneath the cooktop is a drip tray. Thedrip tray is made of stainless steel and is onrollers so it is easy to remove and replace.To remove the drip tray, pull it forward. Ifsomething has spilled into the tray it should becleaned up as soon as possible to prevent“baked on” food soil.Do not allow the grease to accumulate in thedrip tray as it can be a fire hazard. Clean thedrip tray as soon as it is cool. Clean with hotsoapy water.