6Installation PreparationCUTOUTS AND CLEARANCES• Measure carefully when cutting the countertop.• Make sure sides of the opening are parallel andrear and front cuts are exactly perpendicularULJKWDQJOHV WRWKHVLGHV• Measure to be sure there is room for clearancesto the front edge of the countertop.• Refer to cooktop installation instructions to be sureWKDWPRGHOV¿WLQWRWKHEDVHFDELQHWVEHLQJXVHG• Draw lines on the countertop to follow as a cuttingguide.• Measure and mark cooktop and vent overlaps to beVXUHWKHUHLVHQRXJKÀDWFRXQWHUWRSGHSWK7KHFDELQHWVLGHZDOOVVKRXOGEHZLWKLQμRIWKHvent body. The cabinet back wall should be withinμRIWKHYHQWERG\ UHIHUWRCreative Solutions• Measure the base cabinet width at the top andbottom to ensure it meets the minimum widthrequirements .30" COOKTOP AND DOWNDRAFTCOMBINATIONThe cooktop must be installed per manufacturer’sinstallation instructions.IMPORTANT: The countertop cutout depth requiresPLQLPXPÀDWFRXQWHUWRSVXUIDFHDQGminimum total countertop depth.NOTE: Before you begin, measure and mark depthWRHQVXUHWKDWDGHTXDWHÀDWFRXQWHUWRSVXUIDFHis available.For cooktop and downdraft combination depth:• Follow cooktop installation instructions for cooktopand downdraft combination installation.2WKHUZLVHDGGWRWKHFRRNWRSFXWRXWGHSWKNOTE:$GGWRWKHFRRNWRSFXWRXWGHSWKIRU-3DQG-3 *Required to maintain UL or CSA approvals30"0LQLPXP0LQLPXPÀDWFRXQWHUtop behind cutout requiredSide View: Installed Vent Front View: Installed VentCooktop Cooktop4-1/2” Max5-1/2”Max 5-1/2”Max“A”Width“A”WidthMODEL “A” Minimum WidthPVB98ZVB36 34”PVB94ZVB30 28-1/2”