3-22 L60 Line Phase Comparison Relay GE Multilin3.2 WIRING 3 HARDWARE33.2.10 L60 CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONSAs described earlier in this chapter, L60 communications channels reside on the special CT/VT module (type 8P). Thismodule allows for all possible 87PC scheme combinations (such as dual phase comparison or single-phase comparison, 2-terminal or 3-terminal applications) in one module. The customer can upgrade or change the scheme at any time. The L60channel interface requires an external battery to drive inputs and outputs. The module can be used with any battery volt-age. However, the battery voltage must be reflected in the CONTROL ELEMENTS ÖØ PHASE COMPARISON ELEMENTS Ö 87PCSCHEME ÖØ 87PC CH1(2) RX VOLT settings, which define the acceptable voltage threshold received from the PLC. The L60communications outputs are MOSFETs and inputs are implemented with optocouplers, excluding any galvanic connectionbetween PLC connections and the relay boards.Figure 3–24: L60 TO PLC CONNECTIONS FOR A TWO-TERMINAL LINE831784A1.CDRCOMMS INTERFACE INPUTS/OUTPUTS~~~~~~~~~~~~BATT+Tx1PTx1NTx Positive Ch 1BATT-Rx1PRx1NBATT+Tx2PTx2NBATT-Rx2PRx2NL60STATIONBATTERYPLCRx Positive Ch 1Tx Negative Ch 1Rx Negative Ch 1Common (+) Ch 1Common (-) Ch 1COMMS INTERFACE INPUTS/OUTPUTS~~~~~~~~~~~~5a5b5c6a6b6c7a8a7b8b7c8cBATT+Tx1PTx1NTx Positive Ch 1BATT-Rx1PRx1NBATT+Tx2PTx2NBATT-Rx2PRx2NL60STATIONBATTERYPLCRx Positive Ch 1L60 Comms 1Single-phaseComparison5a5b5c6a6b6c7a8a7b8b7c8cL60 Comms 2Dual-phaseComparison