Do not use a steel wool pad; it will scratchthe surface.To clean the stainless steel surface, usewarm sudsy water or a stainless steel cleaneror polish. Always wipe the surface in thedirection of the grain. Follow the cleanerinstructions for cleaning the stainless steelsurface.To inquire about purchasing stainless steelappliance cleaner or polish, or to find thelocation of a dealer nearest you, please callour toll-free number:National Parts Center 1.800.626.2002ge.com5Consumer SupportOperating InstructionsSafety Instructions Installation Instructions Troubleshooting Tipsge.comCooking TipsThe high air movement of this downdraftsystem can increase the cooking times forsome foods. It may take longer to reachhigh cooking temperatures if the downdraftis turned to high right away. Adjust the fanspeed for best cooking results.For best results when heating oil for deepfrying or when boiling water, use the frontsurface units or wait until the water isboiling or the oil is at frying temperaturesbefore turning on the downdraft.The downdraft may not completely capture all thesteam from pans on the front burners.CanningWhen canning foods in a water-bath canner,a gentle but steady boil must be maintainedcontinuously for the required time.When canning foods in a pressure canner,the pressure must be maintainedcontinuously for the required time.Use of the blower at HIGH speed whencanning may reduce the temperatureenough to stop boiling. While canning,we recommend using the downdraft atLOW speed and using the front surface unit.Painted or Metal SurfacesClean greasy surfaces frequently, usinga mild detergent.Do not use abrasive cloth, steel wool pads orscouring powder because they will mar thesurface.Care and cleaning of the downdraft system.Grease FiltersThe efficiency of your downdraft dependson a clean filter. Frequency of cleaningdepends on the type of cooking you do.Grease filters should be cleaned at leastonce a month. Never operate the downdraftwithout the filters in place.To remove: Pull the filters out by graspingthem and pulling straight up.To clean: Soak and then agitate in a hotdetergent solution. Light brushing maybe used to remove embedded soil. Rinse,shake and remove moisture beforereplacing.Filters may also be cleaned in thedishwasher.With careful handling, the filter will last foryears. If replacement becomes necessary,order the part from your dealer.Stainless Steel Surfaces (on some models)