Allow the cooktop to cool.Use a single-edge razor bladescraper at approximately a 45°angle against the glass surfaceand scrape the soil. It will benecessary to apply pressure tothe razor scraper in order toremove the residue.After scraping with the razorscraper, spread a few drops ofCERAMA BRYTE® CeramicCooktop Cleaner on the entireburned residue area. Use theCERAMA BRYTE® Cleaning Pad toremove any remaining residue.For additional protection,after all residue has beenremoved, polish the entiresurface with CERAMA BRYTE®Ceramic Cooktop Cleanerand a paper towel.Cleaning the glass cooktop. www.GEAppliances.comSafety Instructions Operating Instructions Care and Cleaning Troubleshooting Tips Consumer Support13Control Lock PadAs a convenience, you can lock theentire cooktop at any time when it isnot in use or before cleaning.Locking the cooktop will preventsurface elements from being turnedon accidently.Begin by locking the cooktop; seethe Locking the Cooktop section. Usethe same cleaning methods as thosedescribed for the glass-ceramic top.CONTROLLOCKCONTROLLOCKBurned-On ResidueWARNING: DAMAGE to your glass surfacemay occur if you use scrub pads other than thepad included with your cooktop.Allow the cooktop to cool.Spread a few drops of CERAMABRYTE® Ceramic Cooktop Cleaneron the entire burned residue area.Using the included CERAMABRYTE® Cleaning Pad for CeramicCooktops, rub the residue area,applying pressure as needed.If any residue remains, repeat thesteps listed above as needed.For additional protection, after allresidue has been removed, polishthe entire surface with CERAMABRYTE® Ceramic Cooktop Cleanerand a paper towel.The CERAMA BRYTE ® CeramicCooktop Scraper and allrecommended supplies areavailable through our Parts Center.See instructions under “To OrderParts” section on next page.NOTE: Do not use a dull ornicked blade.Heavy, Burned-On ResidueUse a CERAMA BRYTE ® CleaningPad for Ceramic Cooktops.Normal Daily Use CleaningONLY use CERAMA BRYTE® CeramicCooktop Cleaner on the glass cooktop.Other creams may not be as effective.To maintain and protect the surface ofyour glass cooktop, follow these steps:Before using the cooktop for thefirst time, clean it with CERAMABRYTE® Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner.This helps protect the top andmakes cleanup easier.Daily use of CERAMA BRYTE®Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner will helpkeep the cooktop looking new.Shake the cleaning cream well.Apply a few drops of CERAMABRYTE® Ceramic Cooktop Cleanerdirectly to the cooktop.Use a paper towel or CERAMABRYTE® Cleaning Pad for CeramicCooktops to clean the entirecooktop surface.Use a dry cloth or paper towelto remove all cleaning residue.No need to rinse.NOTE: It is very important that you DO NOTheat the cooktop until it has been cleanedthoroughly.Clean your cooktop aftereach spill. Use CERAMABRYTE ® Ceramic CooktopCleaner.