2Installation InstructionsFOR YOUR SAFETY• For Personal Safety, remove house fuseor open circuit breaker before beginninginstallation. Failure to do so could resultin serious injury or death.• Be sure your cooktop is installed properlyby a qualified installer or service technician.• To eliminate the risk of burns or fire dueto reaching over heated surface elements,cabinet storage located above the surfaceunits should be avoided. If cabinet storagespace is to be provided, the risk can bereduced by installing a range hood thatprojects horizontally a minimum of 5″beyond the bottom of the cabinets. Cabinetinstallation above the cooktop may be nodeeper than 13″.• Make sure the cabinets and wall coveringsaround the cooktop can withstand thetemperatures (up to 200°F) generatedby the cooktop.• The cooktop should be easy to reach andlighted with natural light during the day.• Always disconnect the electrical service tothe cooktop before repairing or servicingthe cooktop. This can be done bydisconnecting the fuse or circuit breaker.Failure to do this could result in adangerous or fatal shock. Know where yourmain disconnect switch is located. If you donot know, have your electrician show you.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSThis appliance must be supplied with theproper voltage and frequency, and connectedto an individual, properly grounded branchcircuit, protected by a circuit breaker or atime delay fuse as noted on name plate.We recommend you have the electrical wiringand hookup of your cooktop connected by aqualified electrician. After installation, havethe electrician show you where your maincooktop disconnect is located.Wiring must conform to National ElectricalCode. You can get a copy of the NationalElectrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-LatestEdition, by writing:National Fire Protection AssociationBatterymarch ParkQuincy, MA 02269The cooktop conduit wiring is approved forcopper wire connection only, and if you havealuminum house wiring, you must usespecial UL approved connectors for joiningcopper to aluminum.You must use a two-wire, three conductor208/240 VAC, 60 Hertz electrical system. Awhite (neutral) wire is not needed for thisunit. The cooktop must be installed in acircuit that does not exceed 125 VAC nominalto ground.Refer to the name plate on your cooktop forthe KW rating for your cooktop.Name plate location