Home Canning TipsCanning should be done onsurface units only.Pots that extend beyond 1 inch ofsurface unit are not recommendedfor most surface cooking.However, when canning withwater-bath or pressure canner,larger-diameter pots may be used.This is because boiling watertemperatures (even under pressure)are not harmful to cooktop surfacessurrounding the surface unit.HOWEVER, DO NOT USELARGE DIAMETER CANNERSOR ~HER LARGE DIAMETERPOTS FOR FRYING OR BOILINGFOODS ~HER THAN WATER.Most syrup or sauce mixtures—andall types of frying—cook attemperatures much higher thanboiling water. Such temperaturescould eventually harm cooktopsurfaces surrounding surface units.Observe Following Pointsin Canning1. Be sure the can’ner fits over thecenter of the surface unit. If yourcooktop or its location does notallow the canner to be centered onthe surface unit, use smaller-diameter pots for good canningresults.2. Flat-bottomed canners must beused. Do not use canners withflanged or rippled bottoms (oftenfound in enamelware) because theydon’t make enough contact with thesurface unit and take too long toboil water.RIGHT WRONG3. When canning, use recipes andprocedures from reputable sources.Reliable recipes and procedures areavailable from the manufacturer ofyour canner; manufacturers ofglass jars for canning, such as Balland Kerr; and the United StatesDepartment of AgricultureExtension Service.—CAUTION:Safe canning requires thatharmful microorganisms aredestroyed and that the jars aresealed completely. When canningfoods in a water bath canner, agentle but steady boil must bemaintained continuously for therequired time. When canningfoods in a pressure canner, thepressure must be maintainedcontinuously for the requiredtime.After you have adjusted thecontrols, it is very important tomake sure the prescribed boil orpressure levels are maintainedfor the required time.—4. Remember that canning is aprocess that generates largeamounts of steam. To avoid burnsfrom steam or heat, be carefidwhen canning.N(YTE: If your cooktop is beingoperated on low power (voltage),canning may take longer thanexpected, even though directionshave been carefully followed. Theprocess time will be shortened by:(1) using a pressure canner, and(2) starting with HOT tap water forfastest heating of large quantitiesof water.-.10