– 33 –The following chart shows the predictedcompensation times based on a 12 minuteSpeedcook selection (such as Biscuits, Refr; Large).Voltage Compensation ChartNOTE: Voltage compensation ± 20 seconds.Voltage compensation occurs after approximately 5seconds of cooking operation. The display will show237,0,=,1*&22.7,0(7KHWLPHZLOOÀDVKDQGWKHQdisplay the new adjusted time, based on the amountof voltage compensation required.Voltage compensation only occurs duringSpeedcook operation and only occurs once duringthe cooking cycle (at initial start of Speedcookoperation).Thermal ProtectionThermal protection is a safety feature built intothe Advantium’s® software. In the event that theinternal oven temperature reaches 500°F, thethermistor will communicate this information to themain PCB and thermal protection will be initiated.While in thermal protection mode, cooking cycleswill be maintained; however, heaters will not beutilized until the oven reaches the proper operatingtemperature.Thermal CompensationNOTE: Thermal compensation only occurs whenusing a preselect menu item in Speedcook. Theseitems require compensation for accurate andconsistent cooking results.When cooking several food items consecutively, thetemperature in the oven may become very high.When Speedcooking, the Advantium® automaticallycompensates for the increased temperature byreducing the amount of time the upper and lowerheaters are on during each 32 second duty cycle.At the start of each new Speedcooking operation,the cavity thermistor reads the oven temperatureand sends this information to the main PCB board.If the oven temperature is 150°F or higher, themain PCB board will initiate thermal compensation.Thermal compensation will reduce the amount oftime the heaters are on in each 32 second dutycycle. The reduction in heater time is based on theoven temperature at the start of Speedcook. Thehigher the initial cavity temperature, the less timethe heaters will be on per duty cycle.Thermal compensation occurs only once, at thebeginning of a Speedcook cycle. In the followingWKHUPDOFRPSHQVDWLRQFKDUWWKH¿UVWFROXPQOLVWVthe initial cavity temperature, the second and thirdcolumns list the number of minutes and seconds theunit will have thermal compensation active.VoltageTimeChange(± 20 Sec)VoltageTimeChange(± 20 Sec)108 +180 122 -21110 +150 124 -42112 +120 126 -63114 +90 128 -84116 +60 130 -105118 +30 132 -126120 0InitialCavityTempCompTimeMinCompTimeSecInitialCavityTempCompTimeMinCompTimeSec150°F 2 7 325°F 5 13175°F 2 33 350°F 5 40200°F 3 0 375°F 6 7225°F 3 27 400°F 6 33250°F 3 53 425°F 7 0275°F 4 20 450°F 7 27300°F 4 47UpperPowerLevelLowerPowerLevelUpperHeaterOnTimeLowerHeaterOnTimeMicrowaveOn TimeHiHi 100% 100% 0%Lo 100% 80% 0%Med HiHi 100% 70% 0%Lo 100% 65% 0%MedHi 90% 90% 10%Lo 90% 65% 10%MedLoHi 80% 70% 20%Lo 70% 70% 30%LoHi 60% 60% 40%Lo 30% 30% 70%Speedcook Power Level ChartThermal Compensation Chart