INSTALLING THE COOKTOP5Installation InstructionsCC1 INSTALLING THEJUNCTION BOXInstall an approved junction box where it willbe easily reached through the front of thecabinet where the cooktop will be located.The cooktop conduit is 3 feet long.Install junction boxso that it can bereached through thefront of the cabinet.C2 PLACE COOKTOP ON ASURFACEPlace a towel or tablecloth on the countertop.Lay the cooktop upside down onto the protectedsurface.C4 REMOVE HOLDDOWN BRACKETSRemove the Hold Down Brackets and screwsfrom the poly bag.C6 INSERT COOKTOP IN CUTOUTInsert the cooktop centered into the cutoutopening. Make sure the front of the edge of thecountertop is parallel to the cooktop. Make afinal check that all required clearances are met.C7 FASTEN DOWN COOKTOPOpen the cabinet door and screw the HoldDown Bracket to the cabinet side with thescrews provided.IMPORTANT: The junctionThe junctionThe junctionThe junctionThe junctionbox must be located where it will allowbox must be located where it will allowbox must be located where it will allowbox must be located where it will allowbox must be located where it will allowconsiderable slack in the conduit forconsiderable slack in the conduit forconsiderable slack in the conduit forconsiderable slack in the conduit forconsiderable slack in the conduit forserviceability.serviceability.serviceability.serviceability.serviceability.Mounting ScrewHold Down BracketCOOKTOP16″ MIN.C3 ADD FOAM STRIPSApply the foam strips around the outer edge ofthe glass. Do not overlap the foam strips.C5 ATTACH HOLDDOWN BRACKETSScrew the Hold Down Bracket to the side of theburner box bottom.FoamstripsBottom ofcooktopCooktopglassPre-drilled holeCooktopBurner boxsidesUse suitablefasteners foranchorage incabinet sidesCabinetsideMountingscrewBottom ofcooktopCloth under cooktop