24 49-80691-1Lift-Off Oven Door7KHGRRULVYHU\KHDY\%HFDUHIXOZKHQUHPRYLQJDQGOLIWLQJWKHGRRU'RQRWOLIWWKHGRRUE\WKHKDQGOHTo remove the door:1. Fully open the door. 3XOOWKHKLQJHORFNVGRZQWRZDUGWKHGRRUIUDPHWRthe unlocked position. A tool, such as a small flat-blade screwdriver, may be required. )LUPO\JUDVSERWKVLGHVRIWKHGRRUDWWKHWRS &ORVHGRRUWRWKHGRRUUHPRYDOSRVLWLRQ7KHGRRUVKRXOGEHRSHQDSSUR[LPDWHO\FP ZLWKQRobstruction above the door. /LIWGRRUXSDQGRXWXQWLOERWKKLQJHDUPVDUHFOHDURIthe slots.To replace the door:1. Firmly grasp both sides of the door at the top. 6WDUWLQJRQWKHOHIWVLGHZLWKWKHGRRUDWWKHVDPHangle as the removal position, seat the indentation ofthe hinge arm into the bottom edge of the hinge slot.The notch in the hinge arm must be fully seated intothe bottom of the slot. Repeat for right side. )XOO\RSHQWKHGRRU,IWKHGRRUZLOOQRWIXOO\RSHQWKHindentation is not seated correctly in the bottom edgeof the slot. 3XVKWKHKLQJHORFNVXSDJDLQVWWKHIURQWIUDPHRIWKHoven cavity, to the locked position. &ORVHWKHRYHQGRRUStorage Drawer RemovalTo remove the drawer:1. Pull the drawer out until it stops. /LIWWKHIURQWRIWKHGUDZHUXQWLOWKHVWRSVFOHDUWKHguides. 5HPRYHWKHGUDZHUTo replace the drawer:1. Place the drawer rails on the guides. 3XVKWKHGUDZHUEDFNXQWLOLWVWRSV /LIWWKHIURQWRIWKHGUDZHUDQGSXVKEDFNXQWLOWKHstops clear the guides. /RZHUWKHIURQWRIWKHGUDZHUDQGSXVKEDFNXQWLOLWcloses.Removal positionHinge lockSlotPull hinge locks down to unlockPush hinge locks up to lockHingelockHingearmIndentationBottomedge ofslotHinge armStop guideRailMaintenance (Cont.)CARE AND CLEANING: Maintenance