22 49-80691-1Metal Marks and Scratches %HFDUHIXOQRWWRVOLGHSRWVDQGSDQVDFURVV\RXUcooktop. It will leave metal markings on the cooktopsurface. 7KHVHPDUNVDUHUHPRYDEOHXVLQJWKH&(5$0$%5<7(®&HUDPLF&RRNWRS&OHDQHUZLWKWKH&(5$0$%5<7(®&OHDQLQJ3DGIRU&HUDPLF&RRNWRSV ,ISRWVZLWKDWKLQRYHUOD\RIDOXPLQXPRUFRSSHUare allowed to boil dry, the overlay may leave blackdiscoloration on the cooktop.This should be removed immediately before heatingagain or the discoloration may be permanent.NOTE:&DUHIXOO\FKHFNWKHERWWRPRISDQVIRUURXJKQHVVthat would scratch the cooktop.Damage from Sugary Spills and Melted PlasticSpecial care should be taken when removing hot substances to avoid permanent damage of the glass surface.6XJDU\VSLOORYHUV VXFKDVMHOOLHVIXGJHFDQG\V\UXSV RUPHOWHGSODVWLFVFDQFDXVHSLWWLQJRIWKHVXUIDFHRI\RXUFRRNWRS QRWFRYHUHGE\WKHZDUUDQW\ XQOHVVWKHVSLOOLVUHPRYHGZKLOHVWLOOKRW6SHFLDOFDUHVKRXOGEHWDNHQZKHQremoving hot substances.%HVXUHWRXVHDQHZVKDUSUD]RUVFUDSHU'RQRWXVHDGXOORUQLFNHGEODGH1. Turn off all surface units. Remove hot pans. :HDULQJDQRYHQPLWW D8VHDVLQJOHHGJHUD]RUEODGHVFUDSHU &(5$0$%5<7(®&HUDPLF&RRNWRS6FUDSHU WRPRYHWKHspill to a cool area on the cooktop.b. Remove the spill with paper towels. $Q\UHPDLQLQJVSLOORYHUVKRXOGEHOHIWXQWLOWKHVXUIDFHof the cooktop has cooled. 'RQ¶WXVHWKHVXUIDFHXQLWVDJDLQXQWLODOORIWKHresidue has been completely removed.NOTE: If pitting or indentation in the glass surface hasalready occurred, the cooktop glass will have to bereplaced. In this case, service will be necessary.Cooktop SealTo clean the cooktop seal around the edges of the glass,lay a wet cloth on it for a few minutes, then wipe cleanwith nonabrasive cleaners.Cleaning the Glass Cooktop (Cont.)CARE AND CLEANING: Cleaning the Glass Cooktop