C-26 F60 Feeder Protection System GE MultilinC.7 LOGICAL NODES APPENDIX CCC.7LOGICAL NODES C.7.1 LOGICAL NODES TABLEThe UR-series of relays supports IEC 61850 logical nodes as indicated in the following table. Note that the actual instantia-tion of each logical node is determined by the product order code. For example. the logical node “PDIS” (distance protec-tion) is available only in the D60 Line Distance Relay.Table C–1: IEC 61850 LOGICAL NODES (Sheet 1 of 3)NODES UR-FAMILYL: SYSTEM LOGICAL NODESLPHD: Physical device information YesLLN0: Logical node zero YesP: LOGICAL NODES FOR PROTECTION FUNCTIONSPDIF: Differential YesPDIR: Direction comparison ---PDIS: Distance YesPDOP: Directional overpower ---PDUP: Directional underpower ---PFRC: Rate of change of frequency ---PHAR: Harmonic restraint ---PHIZ: Ground detector ---PIOC: Instantaneous overcurrent YesPMRI Motor restart inhibition ---PMSS: Motor starting time supervision ---POPF: Over power factor ---PPAM: Phase angle measuring ---PSCH: Protection scheme ---PSDE: Sensitive directional earth fault ---PTEF: Transient earth fault ---PTOC: Time overcurrent YesPTOF: Overfrequency ---PTOV: Overvoltage YesPTRC: Protection trip conditioning YesPTTR: Thermal overload YesPTUC: Undercurrent ---PTUV: Undervoltage YesPUPF: Underpower factor ---PTUF: Underfrequency ---PVOC: Voltage controlled time overcurrent ---PVPH: Volts per Hz ---PZSU: Zero speed or underspeed ---R: LOGICAL NODES FOR PROTECTION RELATED FUNCTIONSRDRE: Disturbance recorder function ---RADR: Disturbance recorder channel analogue ---RBDR: Disturbance recorder channel binary ---RDRS: Disturbance record handling ---RBRF: Breaker failure YesRDIR: Directional element ---RFLO: Fault locator YesRPSB: Power swing detection/blocking YesRREC: Autoreclosing Yes