Care and cleaning of the range.Oven Air VentsNever block the vents (air openings) of therange. They provide the air inlet and outletthat are necessary for the range to operateproperly with correct combustion.Air openings are located at the rear ofthe cooktop, at the top and bottom of theoven door, and at the bottom of the range,under the warming drawer or loweroven drawer.Vent appearance and location vary.orJG UCO.Td! Lo ,ouTJUpper Control PanelOn models so equipped,/ock out the touchpads before cleaning.See the Gas/Control Lockoutor ControlLockout information in the Specialfeatures ofFour oven control section in this manual.Clean up splatters with a damp cloth.You may also use a glass cleaner.Remove heavier soil with warm soapy water.Do not use abrasives of any kind.Unlock the touch pads after cleaning.Surfaceburner knobLower ovendrawer knobLower Control Panel (Front ManifoldIt's a good idea to wipe the control panelafter each use of the oven. Use a damp clothto clean or rinse. Forcleaning, use mild soapand water or a 50/50 solution of vinegar andwater. For rinsing, use clean water. Polishdrywith a soft cloth.Do not use abrasive cleansers, strong liquidcleaners, plastic scouring pads or ovencleaners on the control panel-they willdamage the finish.Do not try to bend knobs by pulling them upor down or by hanging a towel or other suchloads.This can damage the gas valve shaft.The control knobs may be removed foreasier cleaning.Panel) and KnobsMake sure the knobs are in the OFF positionsand pull them straight off the stems forcleaning.The knobs can be cleaned in a dishwasheror they may also be washed with soap andwater. Make surethe insides of the knobs aredry before replacing.Replacethe knobs in the OFF positionto ensure proper placement.Metal parts can be cleaned with soapand water. Do not use steel wool, abrasives,ammonia, acids or commercial ovencleaners. Dry with a soft cloth.NOTE:The lower oven drawer control knob isnot interchangeablewith the sur@ceburnerknobs.Be sure to reinstall the lower ovendrawer knob to the original location.Theloweroven drawer knob roof be identified b£ the redline.Surface burner knobs have a white line.36Oven BottomThe oven bottom has a porcelain-enamelfinish.To make cleaning easier, protect theoven bottom from excessivespillovers byplacing a cookie sheet on the rack below therack you are cooking on. This is particularlyimportant when baking a fruit pie or otherfoods with a high acid content. Hot fruitfillings or other foods that are highly acidic(such as tomatoes, sauerkraut and sauceswith vinegar or lemon juice)may causepitting and damage to the porcelain-enamelsurface and should be wiped up immediately.We don't recommend using aluminum foilon the oven bottom. It can affect airflow if theholes are blocked and it can concentrate heatat the bottom of the oven, resulting in poorbaking performance.To clean up spillovers, use soap and water,an abrasive cleaner or soap-filled scouringpad. Rinsewell to remove any soap beforeself-cleaning.