GE 25952 Series User Manual
Also see for 25952 Series: User guideUser guide
Model 25952 Series5.8 GHz CordlessHandset SpeakerphoneAnswering SystemUser's GuideYour new GE telephone system is EXPANDABLEup to a total of 4 handsets (by purchase of optionalModel 25902 handset with charge cradle)Equipment Approval InformationYourtelephoneequipmentisapprovedforconnectiontothe Public5witchedTelephoneNetworkandisincompliancewithparts15and68,FCCRubsandRegulationsandtheTechnicalRequirementsforTelephoneTerminalEquipmentpublishedbyACTA1 Notificationto the LocalTelephoneCompanyOnthebottomof thisequipmentisa bbelindicating,amongotherinformation,theUSnumberandRingerEquivalenceNumber{REN)fortheequipmentYoumust,uponrequest,providethisinformationtoyourtelephonecompanyTheRENis usefulindeterminingthenumberof devicesyoumayconnecttoyourtelephonelineandstillhaveallofthesedevicesringwhenyourtelephonenumberiscalledInmostbut notalllareas,thesumoftheRENsofalldevicesconnectedtoonelineshouldnotexceed5 Tobecertainofthenumberof devicesyoumayconnectto yourlineasdeterminedbythe REN,youshouldcontactyourlocaltelephonecompanyAplugandjackusedto connectthisequipmenttothe premmeswiringandtelephonenetworkmustcomplywiththeapplicableFCCPort68rubsandrequirementsadoptedbytheACTA.Acomplianttebphonecordandmodularplugisprovidedwiththisproduct.It isdesignedtobeconnectedto acompatiblemodularjackthatisalsocompliantSeeinstallationinstructionsfordetailsNotes•Thisequipmentmaynot beusedoncoinsen/iceprovidedbythetelephonecompany• Partylinesaresubjecttostatetariffs,andtherefore,youmaynotbeabletouseyourowntelephoneequipmentif youareonapartylineCheckwithyourlocaltelephonecompany.• Noticemustbegiventothetelephonecompanyuponpermanentdisconnectionofyourtelephonefromyourline• Ifyourhomehasspeciallywiredabrmequipmentconnectedto thetelephoneline,ensuretheinstollafionof thisproductdoesnot disableyouralarmequipmentIfyouhavequestionsaboutwhatwilldisableabrmequipment,consultyourtelephonecompanyora qualifiedinstallecUSNumberislocatedonthe cabinetbottomRENNumberis locatedonthecabinetbottom2 Rightsof theTelephoneCompanyShouldyourequipmentcausetroubleonyourlinewhichmayharmthetelephonenetwork,thetelephonecompanyshall,wherepracticable,notifyyouthattemporarydiscontinuanceof servicemayberequiredWherepriornoticeisnot practicableandthecircumstanceswarrantsuchaction,thetelephonecompanymaytemporarilydiscontinueserviceimmediately.Incaseofsuchtemporarydiscontinuance,thetelephonecompanymust:I1)promptlynotifyyouof suchtemporarydiscontinuance;(21affordyoutheopportunitytocorrectthesituation;and(5)informyouof yourrightto bringa compbinttotheCommissionpursuantto proceduressetforthinSubpartEof Part68,FCCRulesandRegulationsThetelephonecompanymaymakechangesinitscommunicationsfacilities,equipment,operationsorprocedureswheresuchactionisrequiredintheoperationofits businessandnot inconsistentwithFCCRubsandRegulationsIfthesechangesareexpectedto affecttheuseor performanceofyourtelephoneequipment,thetebphonecompanymustgiveyouadequatenotice,inwriting,toallowyouto maintainuninterruptedserviceThomson Inc.10330NorthMeridianStreetHodel25952 Indianapolis,IN 46290000017254(Rev0 DamE) I_OMSON © 2007ThomsonInc0®02 _ Trademark(s)® RegisteredPrintedinChino THOMSON _ Marco(s)Registrado(s)Interference InformationThisdevicecompbswithParti5 ofthe FOgRules.Operationissubjectto thefollowingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynot causeharmfulinterference;and(2)Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundto complywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuantto Part15ofthe Fat RubsTheselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinamsidentblinstallationThisequipmentgenerates,uses,andcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,if not installedandusedinaccordancewiththe instructions,maycauseharmfulinterferenceto radiocommunicationsNowever,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewill notoccurinoparticularinstallationPrivacyof Communicationsmaynotbeensuredwhenusingthisproductif thisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferenceto radioor televisionreception,whichcanbe@terminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedto try tocorrecttheinterferencebyoneor moreofthefollowingmeasures:• Reorientor relocatethereceivingantenna(thatis,theantennafor radioor tebvisionthatis"receiving"the interference)• Reorientor relocateandincreasetheseparationbetweenthetelecommunicationsequipmentandreceivingantenna• Connectthetelecommunicationsequipmentintoanoutbt ona circuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceivingantennaisconnected.Ifthesemeasuresdonoteliminatetheinterference,pleaseconsultyourdealeror anexperiencedradio/televisiontechnicianforadditionalsuggestionsAlso,the FederalCommunicationsCommissionhasprepareda helpfulbooklet,"NowToIdentifyandResolveRadio/TVInterferenceProblems._Thisbookbtisavailablefromthe US.GovernmentPrintingOffice,Washington,DC.20/402Pleasespecifystocknumber004-000-00395-awhenorderingcopiesNotice:Thechangesor modificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibbforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthorityto operatetheequipmentHearing Aid Compatibility (HAC)ThistelephonesystemmeetsFCCstandardsforHearingAidCompatibilityLicensingLicensedunderUSPatent6,927,009FCC RF Radiation Exposure StatementThisequipmentcomplieswithFCCRFradiationexposurelimitssetforthforan uncontrolledenvironmentThisequipmentshouldbeinstalledandoperatedwitho minimumdistanceof 20centimetersbetweenthe radiatorandyourbodyThistransmittermustnot becodocatedoroperatedinconjunctionwithanyotherantennaor transmittecForbodywornoperation,thisphonehasbeentestedandmeetsthe FCCRFexposureguidelineswhenusedwiththe beltdipsuppliedwiththisproductUseof otheraccessoriesmaynot ensurecompliancewithFCCRFexposureguidelines.WARNING:TOPREVENT FIRE ORELECTRICAL SHOCKHAZARD, DO NOTEXPOSETHISPRODUCT TO RAINOR MOISTURE,ATHE LIGHTNINGFLASH AND ARROWHEAD WITHIN THETRIANGLE IS AWARNFNG SIGNALERTING YOU OF"DANGEROUSVOLTAGE" INSIDETHE PRODUCTCAUTION: TO REDUCE THERISKOF ELE[;I HICSHOCK, DgNOT REMOVE COVER {ORBACK}¸ NO USERSERVICEABLE pARTS INSIDEREFER SERVICING TOQUALIFIED SERVICEPERSONNEL¸THE EXCLAMATIONPOINT WITHIN THETRIANGLE IS AWARNING SIGNALERTING YOU OFIMPORTANTINSTRUCTIONSACCOMPANYINGTHE PRODUCT¸SEE MARKING ON BOTTOM / BACK OF PRODUCTIntroductionCAUTION: When using telephone equipment, there ere basic_ safety instructions that should always be followed, Refer to theIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSprovided with this productand save them for future reference,IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones operate on electricity, youshould have at least one phone in your home that isn't cordless, incase the power in your home goes out,Before You BeginPa rts Checklist ifor sgs2xxmodel)Makesureyour packageincludesthe items shown here.Nandset comB;tatr_entBase battery puck cover_DoOQ_m_OG_ _ _j_ @NandsetWall mount Telephone AC power Beltbracket line cord adaptor clipFor Model 25952xx2them will be ONEadditional handset, charge cradle, belt clip,battery pack and cover than shown aboveFor Model 25952xx3therewill be TWO additional handsets,chargecradles, belt clips,battery packs and covers than shown above.For Model 25952xx4therewill be THREEadditional handsets,charge cradles,belt clips,battery packs and coversthan shown above.Telephone Jack RequirementsTouse this phone,you needan RJIIC type modular telephonejack, which might look like the one pictured here,installedinyour home. Ifyou don't have a modularjaek, call your localphone companyto find out how to get one installed.InstallationWa,p, teModular _ Itelephon_line jack o _JDigital Security SystemYourcordless phoneusesa digital securitysystemto protect against false ringing,unauthorizedaccess,and charges to your phoneline.INSTALLATION NOTE: Some cordless telephones operate atfrequencies that may cause or receive interference with nearbyTVs, microwave ovens, and VCRs. To minimize or prevent suchinterference, the base of the cordless telephone should not beplaced near or on top of a TV, microwave ovens, or VCR. If suchinterference continues, move the cordless telephone farther awayfrom these appliances.Certain other communications devices may also use the 5.8 GHz / 900MHz frequency for communication, and, if not properly set, thesedevices may interfere with each other and/or your new telephone.If you are concerned with interference, please refer to the owner'smanual for these devices on how to properly set channels to avoidinterference. Typical devices that may use the 5.8 GHz frequencyfor communication include wireless audio/video senders, wirelesscomputer networks, multi-handset cordless telephone systems, andsome long-range cordless telephone systems.Important Installation Guidelines• Avoid sourcesof noise and heat, such as motors,fluorescent lighting,microwaveovens,heating appliancesand direct sunlight.• Avoid amas of excessivedust, moisture and bw temperatum• Avoid other cordlesstebphones or persona(computers• Neverinstalltelephone wiring during a lightning storm.• Neverinstalltelephonejacks inwet locations unlessthe jack is specificallydesignedfor wet locations• Nevertouch non-insulated telephone wires ar terminals, unlessthe telephone linehas beendisconnected at the network interface• Usecaution when installing or modifyingtelephone linesHandset LayoutdisplayTALK/CALLBACK(button) XCALLERID-_VOLUME(_)X(button)redialformat/trans(format/transferbutton)repeat)button)eraseSPEAKER(button)CALLER ID-VOW M E (-_ )(button)mumbutton}chan/delete(button)skip (button)#PAUSE/ringer(button)*EXll)button)mute/menu flash/answerer/(buttonl call waiting (button}Base Layoutday/check hour min _ skipRing To Answer (button) (button) (minute button)MESSAGES PLAY/STOP(indicator)- (button)memo_ repeat" erase)button) )button)announce(button)page(button}anson/off)answereron/offcharge/in use (-/+) do not disturb button))indicator) )buttons) )button)Installing the PhoneInstalling the Handset BatteryNOTE: You must connect the handset battery before use.CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fire or personal injury, use only_ the Thomson Inc, approved Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH} butterymodel 5-2522, which is compatible with this unit,1 Locate battery and battery door which are packagedtogether insidea pbstic bagand are separate from the handset2, Locate the battery compartment on the back of the handset3. Plugthe battery pack cord into the jack inside the compartment. PLEASEREGISTERshows inthe displayNOTE:To ensure proper battery installation, the connector is keyedand con be inserted only one way.[ l/ battery III ill pack" If t _. black wireow. red wire4 Insert the battery pack.5 Closethe battery compartment by pushing the door up until it snaps into place.Base Stationt Choosean area near an electricaloutlet and a telephone wall jack (RJttC}, andplace your cordlesstelephone on a level surface,such as a desktop or tabletop, or2. Plugone end of the telephone (inecord into the TELUNEjack at the back af the baseand the other end into a modularjack3 Plugthe AC power converter into the electrical outlet and the DCconnector into thejack at the back of the basea Placethe handset in the basecradle Thecharge/in use indicator turns on, verifyingthe battery,ischarging The unit will take 20 seconds to registerand verify its securitycode.READYshows in the displayNOTE: In case of a power failure, the handsets may displayUNAVAILABLE when the TALK/CALL BACK button is pressed. Youmust then place all handsets on the main bose cradle for 20seconds to re-register.5 Allow the phone to charge far 16 hours prior to first use If you don't properlychargethe phone,battery performance is compromisedCAUTION: To reduce risk of personal injury, fire, or damage,_ use only the 5-2732 power adaptor listed in the user's guide.This power adaptor is intended to be correctly orientated in avertical or floor mount position.Wall Mounting1. Turnthe baseoven2. Attach the wall mounting pedestalby first insertingthe tabs on the open edge ofthe pedestalinto the slotson the lower portion of the bottom of the base Thenpushdown and snapthe pedestalinto p(aee.3. Slipthe mounting holes(on the back of the base}over the wall plate posts,and slidethe unit down into place MJoIIplate not included)NOTE: If desired, gather the extra telephone line end power adaptorcord and store inside the wall mounting pedestal.Answering System SetupThissectionshows you how to set up },ouranswering systemto receiveincoming calls.Beforeyou beginthe set up process,you mustturn on the answering system• Pressthe ans on/off button to turn the answering systemON and OFF.TheMESSAGESindicator lightswhen the answering systemis ON.The indicatorNOTE: The answering system displays "- -" when it is OFF.Setting the Voice Prompt LanguageThedefault voice prompt language is English.Tochange the answering system'svoice prompt language, pressand hold the skipbutton for two seconds The unit announces "SELECCIONADOESPANOL"(Spanishselected)NOTE: To change to English, press and hold the skip button again for2 seconds, The unit announces "ENGLISH SELECTED".NOTE: In remote access mode, the system follows the selectedlanguage. The voice prompt language cannot be switched remotely,Voice Time/Day Stamp1 Makesurethe answering systemis ON2. Pressand hold the day/check button on the baseto set the day of the week.3 Pressand hold the hour button on the baseto set the hour {am. or pmj. Example:12AM,1AM,or 12PM,1PM.4 Pressand hold the rain button on the baseto set the minute Thetime advancesin5-minute intervals,or tap and releaseto advancein iminute intervals.Speaker VolumeUsethe speaker volume 1-/ +1buttons to adjust speaker volume on the base to acomfortable level. L1 is the minimum speaker volume and L8 is the maximum.Recording the Outgoing AnnouncementForbest resultswhen recording,you should be about nine inches from the microphone,andeliminate as much background noise as possible1 Makesurethe answering systemis ON2. Pressand hold the announce button on the base3 Beginspeaking after you hear the beep4 Releasethe button when you finish your announcement.NOTE:If you choose not to record an outgoing announcement, a defaultannouncement plays instead. To return to the default announcement afteryou have recorded your own outgoing announcement, pressthe announcebutton and release it when you hear the beep.Sample Outgoing Announcement"H!, THISIS(USEYOURNAMEHERE),I CAN'TANSWERTHEPHONERIGHTNOW,50PLEASELEAVEYOURNAME,NUMBERANDA BRIEFMESSAGEAFTERTHETONE,ANDI'LLGETBACKTOYOU. THANKS."Reviewing the AnnouncementPressand releasethe announce button to review your outgoing announcementRings to AnswerUsethe RINGSTOANSWERswitch on the back of the baseta setthe number of timesyou want the phoneto ring beforethe answering systemanswers the call Youmaychoose3 rings, 5 rings,or TOLLSAVER{%1NOTE:If you select Toll Saver (TS)the unit answers after the 3rd ringif there ARE new messages, OR the unit answers after the 5th ring ifthere ARE NO new messages.Handset SetupThereare nine programmable menus available: Language,Handset Name,Area Code,RingerON/OFF,RingerTone,VIPRingTone,Tone/Pulse,Transferand DefauRSetting.Duringprogramming,you may pressthe mute/menu button at any time to go to thenex_option. Toexit the menu,keepthe previoussetting and return to the standbymode,pressthe *EXIT/tonebutton.Display Languagei.Pressthe mute/menu button until _ 1ENG2FRA3ESPshows in the display 1ENGisthe defau(t (ENGstands for EnglishFRAstands for French.ESPstandsfor Spanish)2 Usethe CALLER@-VOLUME(-_ or-,- ) button or the touch-tone pad on thehandset to enter your selection3 Pressmute/menu again to saveHandset Namei,Pressthe mute/menu button until ENTERNAMEshows in the display2 Usethe touch-tone pad to enter the name (up to 15 characters) More than oneletter is stored in each of the number keys For exampb, ta enter the name BillSmith, pressthe 2 key twice for the letter B. Pressthe a key 3 times for the letterk Pressthe 5 key 3 times for the letter L Wait for one second. Pressthe 5 key 3times for the second letter L Pressthe 1 key to insert a space between the Landthe S.Pressthe 7 key4 times for the letter S; pressthe 6 key once for the letter M;pressthe 4 key 3 times for the letter I; pressthe 8 key for the letter T; pressthe aNOTE:If you make a mistake, use the chan/delete button tobackspace and delete one character at a time,3. Pressmute/menu again to save.NOTE:If no name is entered, REAOYshows in the display.Local Area Code1. Pressthe mute/menu button until AREACODE- - - shows in the display. - - - isthe default2.Usethe touch-tone pad on the handsetto enter your three digit oma code3 Pressmute/menu again to saveNOTE:If you make a mistake, press the chon/delete button to erasea wrong number.Ringer ON/OFF1 Pressthe mute/menu button until RINGER _1 ON shows in the display1ON is the default2 Usethe CALLERID-VOLUME(,_ or-, ) button or the touch-tone pad on the handsetta scroll to 1ON or 2 OFF3 Pressmute/menu to save.NOTE:If you turn the ringer off, RINGER OFF shows on the display.Ringer ToneYoucan choosefrom i0 nngtonesL Pressthe mute/menu button until RINGERTONE _ 01 showsin the display01 is the default.2. Usethe CALLER@-VOWME (-_or.- ) button or the touch-tone padon the handsetto select from O1ta 103 Pressmute/menu to save.VIP Ring ToneThisfeature a(Iowsyou to assign a specific ring tone to a number stored in Memory Itis recommended that you store a Calbr ID record into Memoryfor this purpose1 Pressthe mute/menu button until VIPRINGTONEshowsin the display2 Pressthe desiredmemory Iocatbn (0through 9) if there is a number stored in theselected memory location, VIPRT _ DEFAULTshowsinthe display.3. PressCALLER}D-VOLUME(-_ or.- )on the handsetto selectfrom 01to 10 orDEFAULTto use ring tone set inthe RingerToneMenu or SILENTto silence ringe_4 Pressmute/menu to saveTone/Pulse1. Pressthe mute/menu button until }, 1 TONE 2 PULSEshows in the dispby.1 TONEis the default.2. Usethe CALLERID-VOLUME (-_or.- ) button or the touch-tone padon the handsetto scrollto 1 TONEor 2 PULSE3 Pressmute/menu to saveTransfer ON/OFFIn order to use the Ca(ITransfer feature (applicableONLYwith additional handsets),you must havethe TransferON/OFFset to ONthrough the menu af the transferringhandsetL Pressthe mute/menu button until TRANSFER_1OFFshows in the display.2. Usethe CALLERID-VOLUME(-- or-- ) button or the touch tone pad on the handsetand select 2ON.3 Pressmute/menu again to saveDefault SettingYoumay return handset settings to the factory default setup using this menu.1 Pressthe mute/menu button until DEFAULT_ NO shows inthe display NO isthe default2 Usethe CALLERID-VOLUME(-,or- )buttononthehandsettoscro((toYESorNONOTE: If you choose YES,all settings in the programmable menureturn to the factory defaults,3 Pressmute/menu to save.Cordless Phone BasicsCharge/In Use IndicatorThephoneis ONwhen the charge/in useindicatoron the baseis lit Thehandsetvisualringerand baseindicatorflashwhen you receivea callAnswering a Call1. When the phone rings,pick up the handset and pressthe TALK/CALLBACKorSPEAKERbutton2 When finished, pressthe TALK/CALLBACKor SPEAKERbutton again or place thehandset on the basecradle to hang upMaking a Call1 Pick up the handsetand pressthe TALK/CALLBACKor SPEAKERbutton Wait for thedial tone Thecall timer starts counting minutes and secondsin the display2. Dial a telephone number.3. When finished, pressthe TALK/CALLBACKor SPEAKERbutton again or place thehandset on the basecradle to hang up.NOTE: In case of power failure, the handset may displayUNAVAILABLE when the TALK/CALL BACK or SPEAKERbutton ispressed. You must then place the handset on the main base for 20seconds to reset the unit.Pre-dialingi.Makesure the phone is OFF{not in TALKmode}2 Dial a tebphone number (the number you dial shows inthe display)NOTE: If you make o mistake dialing the number, use the chon/delete button to backspace and erase the wrong number, and enterthe correct number.3. Pressthe TALK/CALLBACKor SPEAKERbutton on that handset. Thenumberautomaticofly dialsand the call timer starts counting the minutes and secondsinthedisplay.4 When finished, pressthe TALK/CALLBACKor SPEAKERbutton again to hang upNOTE : You may enter up to 32 pre-diol digits.RedialWhile the phoneis ON {in TALKor SPEAKERPHONEmade},pressthe redialbutton toredialthe last number you dialed(upto 32 digits).- OR-While the phoneis OFF(instandby mode),pressthe redial button and then theTALK/CALLBACKor SPEAKERbutton to redial the last numbenFlashUsethe flash/answemr/ca, waiting button to activate custom ca,ing servicessuch ascall waiting, which are availablethrough your heal phonecompany.TIP: Do not use the TALK/CALL BACK button to activate customcalling services such as coil waiting or you'll hang up the phone.Channel ButtonWhile talking on the phone, it may be necessaryfor you to manua(lychange thechannel to improve receptionand reducenoise or static on the line Pressand releasethe chan/delete button to move to the next clearchannelExitPressthe *EXF/tone button to cancel any command you initiated.PageThis featum assistsin locating a misplaced handset.Pressthe page button on the base.Thehandset beeps continuouslyfor about 2minutes until you pressthe TALK/CALLBACKor SPEAKERbutton on the handset or thepage button on the base.NOTE:You may still page the handset when the ringer is off.Do Not DisturbThis feature al(ows you to turn off handset ringers for all handsets registeredwith the base unit. The answerer speaker will be silenced when the unit isreceiving incoming messages.Pressthe do not disturb button on the base. Handsetwill display DONOTDISTURBNOTE: If DO NOT DISTURB is activated during on incoming ring, itwill only be effective from the next incoming call,Ringer ON/OFF ShortcutApart from the setting inthe main menu,there is a shortcut to setthe ringer Makesurethe phone isOFF(not in talk mode}.1 Pressthe #PAUSE/nngerbutton to go to the RINGERON/OFFmenuRINGER_ 1ON shows in the display. 1ONis the defoult.2. Usethe CALLERID-VOLUME(-_or- )button or the touch-tone padonthe handsettoscroll to 1ON,or 2 OFF3 Pressthe #PAUSE/nngerbutton to save your selection.Youwill hear a confirmationtone.VolumeWhen the phone isON (in TALKor SPEAKERPHONEmode) pressthe CALLERID-VOLUME( -- or.- ) button to adjust the listeninglevel.Choosefrom fivevolume settings. VOL1isthe lowest volume and VOL5 is the highest vdumeNOTE:The phone will automatically reset VOL 5 to VOL 4 after youhang up,MuteUsemute during a phoneconversationto speakprivately and affdine with a third party1 Pressthe mute/menu button MUTEshows in the disp(ay The party an the telephonewill not hear you2. Pressthe mute/menu button when finished.Switching between the Speakerphone andHandsetL If you are using the handsetearpiece andwant to switch to the speakerphone,pressthe SPEAKERbutton, you can then pressSPEAKERbutton again to end conversation2. If you are using the speakerphoneand want to switch to the handset earpiece,pressthe TALK/CALLBACKbutton, you can then pressthe TALK/CALLBACKbutton again taend conversation,Temporary ToneThis feature is usefulonly if you have pulse(rotary}service TemporaryToneDialingenables pulse(rotary,,)service phoneusersta accesstouch tone servicesoffered bybanks,credit card companies,etc, Forexample,when you call your bank you may needto enter your bankaccount numbenTemporarilyswitching to touch tone mode allowsyou to sendyour numberL Dial the telephone number and wait for the lineto connect.2. When your call is answered,pressthe *EXIT/tonebutton on the handset totemporarily changefrom pulse dialing to tone dialing3 Follow the automated instructionsto get the informatbn you need4 Hang up the handset andthe phoneautomatica(ly returns to pulse (rotary)dialing mode.Call Tra nsfer (applicable only with additional handsets)Duringan externalcall, youmay transfer the external call to another handsetNOTE:The transfer feature MUST be set to ON, this can be donethrough each handset's setup menu function, Transfer ON/OFF.i.Pressthe format/trans button on the originating handset. TRANSFERRINGshows inthe display A(Iregisteredhandsetswill be paged2 Pressthe format/trans button or TALK/CALLBACKon receiving handsettoanswer callNOTE:To cancel the call transfer, you may press *EXIT/tone buttonor the format/trans button on the originating handset.NOTE: If there is no answer within 2 minutes after transferringthe call, then the handsets will be rung back (callback). If nohandset answers within 30 seconds, then the external call will beautomatically dropped.Caller ID (CID)IMPORTANT:In order to use this unit's Caller ID features, you mustsubscribe to either the standard Name/Number Caller ID Service orCoil Waiting Caller ID Service, To know who is calling while you areon the phone, you must subscribe to Call Waiting Caller ID Service.This unit receivesand displaysinformation transmitted byyour local phonecompany.This information can includethe phonenumber,date, andtime; or the name,phonenumber,date, and time.FRED.PAGErCallerID name317 555wl2341- Caller lD phone number_O;L3S pM l#/_._O REZT CALL" O_ _ Cafler ID record numberTime Date Caller status; NEWor REPTCall Waiting Caller IDProvidedyeu subscribeto CallWaiting Caller ID servicefrom your phone company;ifyou receivean incoming call and you are already on the phone,a beep indicatesthepresenceof a CallWaiting call on the line. Onlythe handset that is in use at the time ofthe call will display and store the CallWaiting Caller ID information.• When you hear the call waiting beepin the handsetreceiver,pressthe flash/answerer/call waiting button to put the current call on hold and answer the incoming call Pressflash/answerer/callwaiting againto return to the original call.Receiving CID RecordsWhen you receivea call,the CallerID information istransmitted betweenthe first andsecond ring. TheCaller ID information appears on the displaywhile the phonerings,giving you a chance to monitor the information and decidewhether or not to answerthecalLStoring CID Records (In CID Memory)Ifyou are not athome or cannot answer,your telephone's CallerID memory storesthedata for the 40 most recent calls you receivedsoyou can seewho called while youwere unavailable.When the alst call is received,the oldestCaller ID record(1stcall} isautomatically deletedYoumay review the storedinformation at any time Cal)sreceivedsinceyour last reviewshow as NEW in the display Callsthat have not been previouslyreviewed but werereceivedfrom the same number morethan once show as REPTin the displayReviewing CID RecordsAscalls are receivedand stored, the displayis updated to let ),,ouknow how man),,callshavebeen received Toscroll CIDrecords:i,Makesure the phone is OFF(not intalk mode).2. Pressthe CALLERID-VOLUME( ,_) button to review the newest CIDrecord.3. Pressthe CALLERID-VOLUME(., } button to review the oldestCIDrecord first.Dialing a CID Numberi.Makesure the phone is OFF(not inTALKmade).2. Usethe CALLERID-VOLUME(-- or.- )button to display the desiredrecord3. Pressthe TALK/CALLBACKor SPEAKERbutton. The number dials automatically.NOTE:Depending on (a) how the incoming caller's phone number isformatted when it is received, and (b) whether or not you previouslypre-progrommed your local area code into the set up menu, youmay need to adjust the format of the incoming caller's stored phonenumber before making the cell, press the format/trans button toadjust the number, and try againAvailableformats inJude:Eleven digits long distance code "1 " 1-317-5S5-8888+3-digit area code+7-digit telephone numbe_Ten digits 3-digit area code + 317-5S5-88887-digit telephone numbe_Seven digits 7-digit telephone numbe_ $55-8888 |
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