3. HARDWARE INSTALLATIONPMA-1000 Power Management Adapter -12- Aug 2015Installation Manual3.4 Power Supply Connection to the Ventilation SystemThe ventilation system uses a 380V power supply. It requires the connection of three live wires at the sametime for control. Thus a set of male & female international standard cables (with quick-connecting terminals)will be used.On the PMA, connect ‘‘three live wires in” and “three live wires out” to “ventilation system powersupply”.Ventilation system circuit breakerconnection diagramNote: The connection sequence of these three live wires must be consistent. If not, electricalinversion may occur.2. Connect the “three live wires out” from the PMAto the existing three live wire connectionsunderneath the ventilation system circuit breaker.1. Connect the “three live wires in” from the PMAto the three live wire ports underneath the ventilationsystem circuit breaker.