DOCUBINDTL200 BindingPlace the large loops of the wire element into the WireHolder as shown in figure 3. Be sure it is firmly securedwith the small loops facing towards you.Place your punched pages face up onto the small loops ofthe wire element (see figure 4 inset). Then place your frontand back covers face-to-face against each other. Place thecovers onto the wire element with the front cover first andthe inside of the back cover facing upward. This stepensures that after crimping the seam of the wire elementwill be hidden between the back cover and last page(figure 4).Hold the wire element firmly at each end of the book andremove it from the Wire Holder by sliding it to the left orlifting it off. While firmly holding the wire element anddocument at one end place the book with the open end ofthe wire face down into the Wire Crimper. You can releasethe book so it rests against the support rack or continue tohold it with one hand (figure 5).To crimp the wire together pull the handle down towardyou completely until it goes no further. Remove the bookand flip the front cover around to the front. Yourpresentation is now complete. If the wire is not closedproperly (see figure 6) adjust Dial (E) accordingly.1 342GuaranteeOperation of this machine is guaranteed for one year fromdate of purchase, subject to normal use. Within the guaranteeperiod, GBC will at its own discretion either repair or replacethe defective machine free of charge. Defects due to misuseor use for inappropriate purposes are not covered under theguarantee. Proof of date of purchase will be required. Repairsor alterations made by persons not authorised by GBC willinvalidate the guarantee. It is our aim to ensure that ourproducts perform to the specifications stated. This guaranteedoes not affect the legal rights which consumers have underapplicable national legislation governing the sale of goods.Register this product online at www.GBCOffice.comSpecificationsDimensionsWeightPunch CapacityBind CapacityMaximum Sheet WidthDis-engagable PinsGBC DocuBind TL20018" (W) x 8 1/2" (H) x 16" (D)457mm x 216mm x 406mm27 Ibs. (12.5 kg)20 sheets of 20 Ib. paper20 sheets of 80gm 2 paper125 sheets or 9/16" (14mm)11.7" (297mm A4)1 (A5 paper) within wire storage binService• Contact an authorized GBC service representative for anyrequired repairs.Empty chip drawerEmpty Chip Drawer (F) after repeated use. Pull drawergently toward you to open. When putting back in, thedrawer will snap into place (see figure 1).1EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - Telefon 9633 3500