-22-CLUTCH ADJUSTMENTClutch adjustment may be carried out by means of the tighteningdevice supplied with the handle. This is achieved by tightening orloosening the tightening screw, as required. The handle should havea 4-5 mm clearance. Due to its hydraulic action, the clutch assemblyrequires no handle-clearance adjustments.CHAIN LUBRICATIONThe chain should be cleaned and checked periodically. To achievethis, remove the chain while keeping the hook at one of its ends,which will both confirm its previous position and avoid the risk oflosing it. Clean the chain thoroughly with a metal brush, by submergingit in a petrol bath and shaking it until all of its links are clean andfree from obstructions. Submerge it again in clean petrol or gas oil,rinse and allow it to dry for a few minutes. Lubricate and reassembleit, always making sure that the hook is placed in the opposite directionto the chain movement. It is most advisable to lubricate the chainevery 100 or 200 Kms with special chain-lubrication oil.(A). Clutch.(A)Chainlubrication.CHAIN TIGHTENINGTightening and aligning the chain is easily achieved by looseningthe nuts on the wheel axle (A) and by turning the nuts on the chaintighteners (B) as required, until the right chain tension or sag isachieved, together with a proper wheel centering and alignment.WARNINGAlways try to achieve a proper chain-and-wheel alignment, asotherwise the chain might come off and hit and damage the crankcase.(A) (B)(A). Wheel axle nut.(B). Chain adjusterlocknuts.