OPERATING mANuAlSERVICE mONITORING TOOl forFuJITSu GENERAl INVERTER ANDINVERTER mulTI AIR CONDITIONERSuTY-ASSXPART NO. 9381051007-03CAuTIONPlease read the LICENSE AGREEMENT in the manual first.Contents1. Overview ………………………………………………52. SyStem requirementS ……………………………53. inStallatiOn ……………………………………………53- 1 install the device driver …………………………53- 2 install the application ……………………………53- 3 uninstall ……………………………………………54. Start-up …………………………………………………64- 1 Start-up application ………………………………64- 2 Start-up screen ……………………………………64- 3 Screen layout………………………………………75. initial Setting…………………………………………95- 1 application setting ………………………………96. COnneCtiOn ………………………………………… 107. HOw tO uSe ………………………………………… 117- 1 Start communication ………………………… 117- 2 Confirm running condition …………………… 128. meSSageS …………………………………………… 209. pOtential Of imprOper data diSplay …… 22