Fujitsu ScanPartner 15C: Upgrade to Workgroup ProductivityFujitsu has defined a new niche in the market for workgroup scanners. With theintroduction of the ScanPartner 15C at $995, Fujitsu brings the speed and conveniencethat business users demand to the broad market ready to upgrade from their first scanner.Workgroups can enjoy the benefits of 15 page-per-minute scanning speeds through theAutomatic Document Feeder, while retaining all the high-resolution color and grayscalecapabilities of a color flatbed scanner.As images are becoming a standard element of business documents, the use of scanners isdramatically increasing. The majority of scanners currently installed are flatbed modelswhich were fine when scanning was only occasionally necessary. As the need for scanningcapability increases, busy users demand more efficient solutions. It was acceptable toscan at the rate of a one or two pages per minute when only a few pages were scanned perweek. When you need to scan ten or a hundred pages per day, you need a faster scanner.The Fujitsu ScanPartner 15C is aimed squarely at the business user, and it comesequipped for easy implementation in the today's office environment. The scanner packageincludes a SCSI interface that is very easy to install in any PC running under Windows 95or Windows NT 4.0. Software is also included to smoothly blend scanning and imagingfunctionality directly into all Windows applications. Eastman's Imaging for WindowsProfessional Edition software is included, allowing for instant implementation of scanninginto mainstream applications. This imaging package also includes Xerox TextBridge OCRsoftware for top-rated character recognition capability.Now that imaging is becoming widely accepted as a natural component of all businessapplications, the Fujitsu ScanPartner 15C represents a great value for workgroups whohave been suffering the limitations of first generation desktop scanners. The value ofimaging has been widely accepted, just as copying and faxing have become integral partsof the business process. Paralleling the trend of earlier office automation devices whichimproved in speed, convenience and productivity, the Fujitsu ScanPartner 15C isdesigned to be the ideal upgrade for workgroup scanning solutions.Introduction: Flatbeds Slow Imaging EfficiencyAccording to InfoTrends, flatbed scanners account for 19% of the corporate market forscanners, and 79% of these scanners are being used for general purpose document imagingapplications. These scanners are relatively slow, and are the source of inefficiency inworkgroup employment of document imaging techniques. The largest cost of any imagingapplication is the time and labor involved in the application, therefore slow, flatbedscanners have the ultimate effect of greatly increasing these labor costs.Compared to every other piece of automation equipment in the modern office, the flatbedscanner is by far the slowest and most time-consuming device. For comparison, the lasttime Xerox offered a copier with similar performance, where you laid a page on the glassand a light flashed under it to make a few copies per minute, was the Xerox 914, whichwas introduced almost 40 years ago.