Parameter Data Formats4-66 C141-C010The Accumulated start-stop cycles is a parameter provided by the device sever. The accumulated start-stop cycles parameter shall not be savable by the application client using the LOG SELECT command.The parameter value is a 4-byte binary number. The value indicates how many start-stop cycles thedevice has detected since its date of manufacture. For rotating magnetic storage device, a single start-stop cycle is defined as an operational cycle that begins with the disk spindle at rest, continues while thedisk accelerates to its normal operational rotational rate, continues during the entire period the disk isrotating, continues as the disk decelerates toward a resting state, and ends when the disk is no longerrotating. The count is incremented by one for each complete start-stop cycle. No comparison with thevalue of parameter 0003h shall be performed by the device server.4.2.9 Application client page (X'0F')BitByte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 11 X‘00’ (Reserved)2 Page Length (MSB)3 Page Length (LSB)All of the following parameters have this header.Page Length will be defined based on the value of Parameter Pointer. (CDB 5-6) General usage application client parameter data (Page 0F, Code 0000-003F)BitByte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 045(MSB)X'0000'-X'003F' (Parameter code)(Application Client Parameter) (LSB)DU DS TSD ETC TMC LBIN LP61 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 X'FC' (Parameter Length)8 (MSB)9258General Usage Paramter Bytes259 (LSB)~~ ~~ ~~