18 Easy Search/CONTENTS/Handling instructionsIntellectual propertyrightsCopyrights and portrait rightsExcept for the case protected by copyright lawssuch as personal use, use of FOMA terminal toreproduce, alter, or publicly transmit recordedpictures or sounds, or copyrighted text, images,music or software downloaded from websiteswithout the copyright holder's authorization isprohibited.Note that taking photos or recordings at somedemonstrations, performances or exhibitionsmay be prohibited even when only for personaluse.Avoid taking pictures of others with FOMAterminal without their consent or disclosingrecorded pictures of others without theirconsent to general public through Internetwebsites, etc., because they may infringe onportrait rights.TrademarksCompany and product names mentioned in thismanual are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective holders."FOMA", "mova", "i-motion", "i-mode", "i-αppli","i-motion mail", "i-shot", "DoPa", "mopera","mopera U", "WORLD CALL", "WORLD WING","Chaku-motion (Movie ringtone)", "Deco-mail","V-live", "i-area", "i-αppliDX", "i-Channel", "DualNetwork", "FirstPass", "sigmarion", "SecurityScan", "musea", "Public mode", "ToruCa", "iD","DCMX", "IMCS" and logos of "FOMA", "i-mode","i-αppli", "DCMX", "iD" and "WORLD WING" aretrademarks or registered trademarks of NTTDoCoMo.Microsoft®, Windows® and Windows Vista® aretrademarks or registered trademarks of"Microsoft Corporation" in the US and othercountries.Java and all Java-related trademarks aretrademarks or registered trademarks of SunMicrosystems, Inc. in the US and othercountries."Catch Phone (Call waiting service)" is aregistered trademark of Nippon Telegraph andTelephone Corporation.Free Dial logo mark is a registered trademark ofNTT Communications Corporation.This product contains NetFront Browser andNetFront Sync Client of ACCESS CO., LTD.Copyright© 2008 ACCESS CO., LTD. All rightsreserved.ACCESS and NetFront are trademarks orregistered trademarks of ACCESS CO., LTD.inJapan and other countries.Contains Flash® LiteTM and Adobe® Reader®technology by Adobe Systems Incorporated.Flash Lite copyright© 1995-2008 AdobeMacromedia Software LLC. All rights reserved.Adobe Reader copyright© 1984-2008 AdobeSystems Incorporated. All rights reserved.Adobe, Flash, Flash Lite andReader are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks ofAdobe Systems Incorporated in the UnitedStates and/or other countries.FlashFX® Pro TM is a registered trademark ofDATALIGHT, Inc.FlashFX® Copyright 1998-2008 DATALIGHT, Inc.U.S.Patent Office 5,860,082/6,260,156QR code is a registered trademark of DensoWave Inc.microSD logo is a trademark.FeliCa is a registered trademark of SonyCorporation.is a registered trademark of FeliCaNetworks, Inc.Powered by JBlend TM Copyright 2002-2008 AplixCorporation. All rights reserved.JBlend and JBlend-related trademarks aretrademarks or registered trademarks of AplixCorporation in Japan and other countries.McAfee® is registered trademarks or trademarksof McAfee, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries.Adobe and Reader are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Adobe SystemsIncorporated in the United States and/or othercountries.QuickTime is a registered trademark of AppleInc. in the US and other countries.ATOK + APOT of Justsystem Corporation isinstalled in this product as Japanese characterconversion function."ATOK" "APOT (Advanced PredictionOptimization Technology)" are registeredtrademarks of Justsystem Corporation.This product contains software licensed bySymbian Software Ltd © 1998-2008.and Symbian OS are trademarks of Symbian Ltd.Other company and product names mentionedin this manual are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective holders.F884i_013_PL.fm 18 ページ 2008年1月9日 水曜日 午後6時8分