34Result codesWhen ATV command is set to n=1 (default), the result code is displayed in alphabetic characters. Whenthe command is set to n=0, the result code is displayed numerically. P27Result codesExtended result codeWhen AT&E is set to n=0When AT&E is set to n=1* To retain compatibility with a modem connected via conventional RS-232C, communication speed is displayed, but itdiffers from the actual connection speed because FOMA terminal is connected to a PC with a USB cable or Bluetoothfunction.Communication protocol result codeNo. Text display Meaning0 OK Operation performed normally1 CONNECT Terminal connected to other party2 RING Incoming call3 NO CARRIER Line disconnected4 ERROR Unable to accept command6 NO DIALTONE Unable to detect dial tone7 BUSY Detecting the busy tone8 NO ANSWER Completed connection Time-out100 RESTRICTION Network restriction in place (The communication network isbusy. Please wait for a while and retry.)101 DELAYED Redial call restrictedNo. Text display Connection speed between FOMA terminal and base station122 CONNECT 64000 64000bps125 CONNECT 384000 384000bps133 CONNECT 3648000 3648000bps135 CONNECT 7232000 7232000bpsNo. Text display Connection speed between FOMA terminal and a PC5 CONNECT 1200 1200bps10 CONNECT 2400 2400bps11 CONNECT 4800 4800bps13 CONNECT 7200 7200bps12 CONNECT 9600 9600bps15 CONNECT 14400 14400bps16 CONNECT 19200 19200bps17 CONNECT 38400 38400bps18 CONNECT 57600 57600bps19 CONNECT 115200 115200bps20 CONNECT 230400 230400bps21 CONNECT 460800 460800bpsNo. Text display Meaning1 PPPoverUD Connect via 64K data communication (BC=UDI, +CBST=116,1,0)3 AV64K Connect via 64K videophone5 PACKET Connect via packet communication