3-3*1 When no print data is not received for 15 minutes (default) after the last printing or warming-up, the printerturns off the fuser’s heater and enters sleep mode. The control panel can inhibit the printer from enteringsleep mode.*2 Print speed when paper size is specified.*3 Print speed is 19.2 s when the 3rd paper tray is of 500 sheets.*4 The warm-up time begins when the power switch is turned on until the printer becomes ready for printing(“READY” displayed). Before, measuring, the printer must be left for a period long enough at 23˚C. Thewarm-up time may increase if the toner is low, the toner bottle has just been replaced, the print density ischanged, or installation of options such as memory is changed.*5 The first printing time begins when a print start signal is sent to the printer in the ready state until the firstprinted sheet (A4, landscape) is completely ejected to the face-down stacker. The first printing time may beabout one minute after the paper size has just been changed. It may take more time if the printer starts fromsleep mode (see *1) or after changing the print density.*6 Paper feed direction is portrait only for A5, A3, JIS B4, Legal, and Ledger sizes. Paper feed direction islandscape only for A4, JIS B5, Letter, and Executivesizes.*7 When printing using the MFF, specifying the size of paper used is recommended. If the size is not specified,the in-page cumulative print position accuracy in the paper feed direction slightly gets lower as comparedwith printing using a paper tray.*8 Envelopes and OHP transparencies are for single-sided printing only. Do not print on both sides.*9 For printing sheets of paper whose weights are 90 to 128 g/m 2 or printing envelopes or OHP transparencies,the face-up stacker must be used.*10 The paper feed capacity may vary depending on paper types and environmental conditions.*11 The stacker capacity is for the recommended paper and may vary depending on paper types andenvironmental conditions.