Server Unit /39069----- PROGRAM LOAD FRAME: DETAIL-1 ----- E90L01G-LOAD FUNCTION- -IPL DEVICE-==> 3 ==> 3*1 START AUTO *1 PRESET GROUP ------------------+*2 START FAST >*2 CURRENT GROUP --------+ |*3 START DIAL *3 UNIT ADDRESS -+ + +*4 START A108 A108 A108*5 SYSTEM DUMP XXXX XXXX*6 LOAD CLEAR -----+ XXXX XXXX*7 LOAD NON CLEAR -+ XXXX XXXX|+MT CONTROL- --- DETAIL-2 STATUS --PARMS=> 1 ==> 1 VM MODE : AVM/EX>*1 NL EXA MODE : ENABLE*2 SL IPL EXEC : ENABLE*3 NL-REWIND*4 SL-REWIND *ENTER EXECUTE*PF3 GO TO BASIC FRAME*PF9 GO TO DETAIL-2CL-0 CPU-0 CHP-0 RUNRA []-[]00Figure 32: PROGRAM LOAD FRAME: DETAIL-1 screenLOADFUNCTION==>Enter for a dialog start3IPLDEVICE==>Enter for entry of a device address3UNITADDRESSThe device address of the load device can be entered in this fieldIn this example, the previous IPL was executed successfully from the current device with deviceaddress . Thus the desired address is already in the field. It was alsoA108 UNIT ADDRESSentered in the field by the SVP. Entering a in the field loads theCURRENT GROUP 2 IPL DEVICEoperating system from the desired device.PARMS => Enter in the first position of the field to load VM20001MTCONTROL==>1 is the default. This parameter is only important for loading from tape.