14. Check and test14-1. Check run• The check run is a function to screen and detect any wiring errors.• After carrying out the check run, you can use the automatic wiring correction function to correct thewiring.• Normal operation is possible without using the check run. In this case, use the test run or forcedcooling function of the indoor unit to confirm any wiring errors.¢ Things to confirm before starting the check runTo ensure safety, check that the following work, inspections and operations have been complet-ed.Check item Check column1 Check that all work on the piping connecting the outdoor unit, indoor units hasbeen completed.2 Check that all work on the wiring connecting the outdoor unit, indoor units hasbeen completed.3 Is there a gas leakage? (At pipe connections [flange connections and brazedareas])4 Is the system charged with the specified volume of refrigerant?5 Is a breaker installed at the power supply cable of outdoor unit?6 Are the wires connected to the terminals without looseness, and in accordancewith the specifications?7 Is the 3-way valve of the outdoor unit open? (Gas pipe and liquid pipe)8 Is the power supply connected for more than 12 hours?¢ Restrictions applicable when performing the check run• When the check run starts, all indoor units connected to the outdoor unit will start to run automati-cally. During the check run, you cannot check the operation of the indoor units separately. Afterthe check run, check the operation of the indoor units separately in normal operation.• The check run can be used when the temperature is within the operable temperature of the airconditioner.• In the check run, the air conditioner will automatically switch between cooling and heating depend-ing on the external temperature and internal temperature.• The check run can be completed in about 30 minutes (cooling) or about 1 hour (heating), but maytake more depending on the external and internal temperature conditions etc.• Do not conduct the check run with all the windows in the room closed.Otherwise the room temperature could get too low or too high.• Depending on the difference of the room temperature of each room, a judgment may be impossi-ble.• Check run is a special operation so there may be a noise louder than the normal refrigerant noiseor a creaking noise.- 224 -14-1. Check run 14. Check and testOUTDOOR UNITAOU45RLXFZOUTDOOR UNITAOU45RLXFZ