Forecast of Cause:OKNO1. Connection failure 2. External cause 3. Main PCB failure 4. Active filter module failure5. Transistor PCB (IPM) failure 6. Filter PCB failure 7. Outdoor unit Fan motor failureTest 1-1 : Reset the power and operateDoes error indication reappear?Test 1-2 : Check external cause such as noiseCheck if the ground connection is proper.Check if there is any equipment that causes harmonic wavenear the power cable (Neon light bulb or any electronicequipment which causes harmonic wave).Test 2 : Check connectionCheck any loose or removed connection line ofbetween indoor unit and outdoor unit.>> If there is an abnormal condition, correct it byreferring to Installation Manual or Data &Technical Manual.Check connection condition in control unit.(If there is loose connector, open cable or miss-wiring)Test 3 : Check the voltage of power supplyCheck the voltage of power supply>> Check if AC187V(AC208V-10%) - 253V(AC230V+10%) appearsat outdoor unit terminal L1 - L2.OKTest 4 : Check serial signal (Reverse transfer signal)Check serial signal (Reverse transfer signal)>> Check if indicated value swings between AC90V and AC270V at outdoor unit terminal 1 - 3.>> If it is abnormal, Check the parts as follows.- Outdoor unit fan motor (SERVICE PARTS INFORMATION 6)- Active filter module (SERVICE PARTS INFORMATION 8)- Filter PCB (Check the wire of CN201)>> If Outdoor fan motor is abnormal, replace Outdoor unit fan motor and Main PCB.(SERVICE PARTS INFORMATION 10)>> If Active filter module or IPM is abnormal, replace it.>> If the parts are normal, replace Main PCB. (SERVICE PARTS INFORMATION 10)1RED +-BLACKWHITE32YESTrouble shooting 1OUTDOOR UNIT Error Method:Serial Communication Error(Serial Reverse Transfer Error)Outdoor unit main PCBOutdoor unit fan motorWhen the indoor unit cannot receive the serial signal from outdoor unitmore than 2 minutes after power ON, or the indoor unit cannnot receivethe serial signal more than 15 seconds during normal operation.Detective Actuators: Detective details:Indicate of Display:02-05Indoor UnitOutdoor UnitOperation lamp : 1 time FlashERROR CODE : [E : 11]Timer lamp : 1 time FlashMonitorA B C D E F11: Light ON : Light OFF n : n time blinking111 12-2 TROUBLE SHOOTING WITH ERROR CODE