2562094BREV. B 407Printed in U.S.A.INSTRUCTION SHEETFORSIGNALMASTER™ MODELS 321102, 321112, 321702, AND 321712SAFETY MESSAGE TO INSTALLERSPeople’s lives depend on your safe installationof our products. It is important to read, under-stand and follow all instructions shipped with theproducts. In addition, listed below are some otherimportant safety instructions and precautions youshould follow:• To properly install this light: you must have agood understanding of automotive electricalprocedures and systems, along with proficien-cy in the installation and use of safety warningequipment.• When drilling into a vehicle structure, be surethat both sides of the surface are clear of any-thing that could be damaged.• In order for the light to function properly, aseparate ground connection must be made. Ifpractical, it should be connected to the fusiblelink at the front fender between the negative(-) battery terminal and chassis ground. At aminimum, it may be attached to a solid metalbody or chassis part that will provide an effec-tive ground path as long as the light system isto be used.• Locate light control so the VEHICLE and CON-TROL can be operated safely under all drivingconditions.• Do not attempt to activate or deactivate lightcontrol while driving in a hazardous situation.• This product contains high intensity LED de-vices. To prevent permanent eye damage, DONOT stare into the light beam at close range.• You should frequently inspect the light to en-sure that it is operating properly and that it issecurely attached to the vehicle.• File these instructions in a safe place and referto them when maintaining and/or reinstallingthe product.Failure to follow all safety precautions and instruc-tions may result in property damage, serious injury, ordeath to you or others.I. GENERAL.The Federal SignalMaster is an economical, low wattage,directional light assembly that is designed for use in a flashingmode. Lens colors available are: amber (standard), red, blue, green,and clear.These models provide two distinctive directional signals: leftarrow and right arrow. In addition, an alternating flash patternproduces a warning signal for use when a directional signal maynot be appropriate. When a directional signal is selected, the lampsare individually illuminated in a sequential sweeping motion untilall eight lamps are illuminated.II. SPECIFICATIONS.Input Voltage 11VDC to 16VDC (12V models).22VDC to 28VDC (24V models).Polarity Negative ground only.Operating Temperature -30° C to +65° C.RangeStandby Current Zero amperes.+BAT Fuse 25 amperes (12V).15 amperes (24V).Output Drive 8, 27 watt lamps (12V models).Capability (Total) 8, 20 watt lamps (24V models).Flash Rate:Directional 35 patterns/min.Warn 60 patterns/min.Dimensions: 51” 42”Height 2.6” 2.6”Length 50.9” 42.0”Depth 3.4” 3.4”Cable Length 35’ 15’These lights are intended for secondary warningonly. They are not intended for use as a primarywarning system.III. INSTALLATION.The SignalMaster’s circuitry can be damaged, or de-stroyed, by static discharge. To prevent ESD, observeanti-static procedures during installation.A. SignalMaster Light Assembly.Install the light assembly as described in the instruc-tions packed with the mounting kit.B. Control Head.When installing equipment inside air bag equippedvehicles, the installer MUST ensure that the equip-ment is installed ONLY in areas recommended bythe vehicle manufacturer.Failure to observe this warning will reduce theeffectiveness of the air bag, damage the air bag,or potentially damage or dislodge the equipment,causing serious injury or death to you or others.Assemble the control head as shown in figure 1. Forproper operation of the unit, the switches must be installed asshown. To install the control head, proceed as follows: