13AIR HANDLER NOMENCLATUREA 24 C 1EE C 15 B 1 *AELECTRIC HEAT ASSEMBLY NOMENCLATUREMODELSERIESNOMINALBTUHELECTRIC HEATASSEMBLY SERIESDESIGNSERIESk-WAT230 VOLTSB=BREAKERN= NO BREAKER1 = 1 PHASEEVAPORATORDESIGNATIONDESIGNSERIESREVISIONHEATING SPECIFICATIONSHEATING TEMPERATURE RISETEMPERATURE RISE °FHEATING CORRECTION FACTORFormula:3160 x kWCFMTemp. Rise °F =3160 = CONSTANTkW = kW RATING OF UNITCFM = AIR FLOW AT SPECIFIED CONDITIONSBased on 230-volt operation. For voltage other than 230,multiply temperature rise by capacity correction factor. Referto CFM tables to determine Cfm at total external staticpressure in system.For correction of unit output,multiply the correction factortimes the kW rating at 230 volts.For correction of temperaturerise, multiply the correctionfactor times the rise calculatedfor the kW at 230 volts.CFM3 5 10 15 20500 19 32600 16 26700 68800 40 59900 35 53 701000 32 47 631100 29 43 571200 26 40 531300 36 491400 34 451500 32 421600 30 391700 28 371800 26 351900 25 332000 322100 30SUPPLY VOLTAGE AT UNIT.7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1CAPACITY CORRECTIONFACTOR260250240230220210200TOTAL kW1119112011211122