TelephonenumberFaxnumberAddress03-4393119 03-4396589 5F., No.2, Nandong Rd.,Pingzhen City,Taoyuan County32455, Taiwan (R.O.C.)03-5325077 03-5320092 1F., No.9, Ln. 379, Sec.1, Jingguo Rd., NorthDist., Hsinchu City 300,Taiwan04-23011502 04-23011503 3F., No.30, Dahe Rd.,West Dist., TaichungCity 40341, Taiwan(R.O.C.)04-23805000 04-23806000 No.530, Sec. 4, HenanRd., Nantun Dist.,Taichung City 408,Taiwan05-2784222 05-2784555 No.463, Zhongxiao Rd.,East Dist., Chiayi City600, Taiwan06-2221666 06-2112555 No.141, Gongyuan N.Rd., North Dist., TainanCity 704, Taiwan07-5520918 07-5540926 1F., No.337, MinghuaRd., Gushan Dist.,Kaohsiung City 804,Taiwan07-3222445 07-3218085 No.51, Shandong St.,Sanmin Dist.,Kaohsiung City 807,Taiwan08-7344771 08-7344802 1F., No.113, ShengliRd., Pingtung City,Pingtung County 900,TaiwanHelp for Users in AustraliaEpson Australia wishes to provide you with a highlevel of customer service. In addition to your productdocumentation, we provide the following sources forobtaining information:Your DealerDon’t forget that your dealer can often help identifyand resolve problems. The dealer should always be thefirst call for advise on problems; they can often solveproblems quickly and easily as well as give advise onthe next step to take.Internet URL the Epson Australia World Wide Web pages.Worth taking your modem here for the occasionalsurf! The site provides a download area for drivers,Epson contact points, new product information andtechnical support (e-mail).Epson HelpdeskEpson Helpdesk is provided as a final backup to makesure our clients have access to advice. Operators onthe Helpdesk can aid you in installing, configuringand operating your Epson product. Our Pre-salesHelpdesk staff can provide literature on new Epsonproducts and advise where the nearest dealer orservice agent is located. Many types of queries areanswered here.The Helpdesk numbers are:Phone: 1300 361 054Fax: (02) 8899 3789We encourage you to have all the relevant informationon hand when you ring. The more information youprepare, the faster we can help solve the problem. Thisinformation includes your Epson productdocumentation, type of computer, operating system,application programs, and any information you feel isrequired.Help for Users in SingaporeSources of information, support, and services availablefrom Epson Singapore are:SC-F9300 Series User's GuideWhere To Get Help136